
Showing posts from 2014

8 Things To Remember

1.  Pain is part of growing. Sometimes life closes doors because it’s time to move forward.  And that’s a good thing because we often won’t move unless circumstances force us to.  When times are tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose.  Move on from what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.  Just because you’re struggling doesn’t mean you’re failing.  Every great success requires some type of worthy struggle to get there.  Good things take time.  Stay patient and stay positive.  Everything is going to come together; maybe not immediately, but eventually. Remember that there are two kinds of pain: pain that hurts and pain that changes you.  When you roll with life, instead of resisting it, both kinds help you grow. 2.  Everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains, it stops raining.  Every time you get hurt, you heal.  After darkness there is always light – you are reminded of this every morning, but still you often forget, and instead choose t

The Guy in Red 5

Alhaji's health was getting worse daily,he had lost hope until Sadiq had brought Kingsley to his house. Alhaji Manko who was overjoyed had promised Sadiq heaven and earth if the ritual turns out to be successful. He had gotten himself prepared for Kingsley that night and carried out all instructions which included rubbing a special ointment on himself before sleeping with Kingsley. He had also been warned that he must not set his eyes on any lady until after he must have slept with the young man Kingsley. Alhaji Manko on getting to the guest room and seeing a woman with Kingsley was extremely furious. Sadiq had ruined all his plans, betrayed him and even more destroyed his life. Sadiq brought out his gun and aimed it at Lizzy but he was too slow as Alhaji fired a shot at Sadiq from behind. Alhaji took one last look at Lizzy and Kingsley and then angrily walked out of the room. Amidst all the drama they both witnessed, Kingsley had peed on himself while lizzy was numb from seei

The Guy in Red 4

Elizabeth also popularly called Lizzy was in a deep mess. It all started during her birthday party. She had invited a lot of people including the one and only guy she had her eyes on....Kingsley. She had met him at a club once and they suddenly kicked things off. They had exchanged numbers but he never for once called her back. Days turned to weeks and they hadn't gone beyond exchanging pleasantries so Lizzy used her upcoming birthday to let Kingsley know how she felt about him. She had invited him and he agreed. Infact things were going really smooth at the party and Lizzy had her eyes fixed on Kingsley till she saw Kingsley leave the party with a guy in a red jacket.   That had left her feeling terrible and not long afterwards she went home. She tried calling his phone several times but there was no response. She decided to make peace with the fact that he didn't want to have anything to do with her but something kept telling her that all was not well. Two days after,

The Guy In Red 3

As thunder struck again ,Kingsley tried to move his body in the dark. He was numb all over and it felt like he was going crazy. Before the lights went out Kingsley had found himself in a well decorated room with a television set and air conditioning facility. A room he recognised not to be his but on seeing that he was chained to the bed realised he must have met his waterloo at some point or maybe he had died and was stuck in a place between heaven and hell.  He had struggled to break free, called for help,screamed and cried out but no one had responded. All he had to himself was a mute television that was on and showing different people who could not see him and who he couldn't talk to.  He hoped that soon enough all the questions in his head as to how he ended up tied to a bed in chains would be answered. The only thing he remembered was that he was at a party and the young man he had introduced himself to had responded nicely to him. He said his name was Sadiq,they had ki

The Guy In Red 2

Alhaji Manko was not only a wealthy man he was also very influential. He was in his early sixties and had a well rounded life. He had travelled round the world,married several wives and equally had several children. Things continued to seem great and he was so sure he was going to die having lived a fulfilled life. His expectations were however cut short after he was diagnosed with cancer and despite spending so much money to secure his health, he was going to die soon if things got worse for him . Nevertheless, Alhaji Manko had plans for himself.; Big plans. He still wanted to visit mecca and still wanted to marry an arabian woman. In short,his life was nowhere near being fulfilled and this saddened him a lot until a solution finally came. The instructions Alhaji Manko was given by one of the most powerful traditionalist he knew were precise. He was to get a young guy to perform certain rites. The guy must not be an ordinary guy he must be one who likes other men and Alhaji Manko

The Guy In Red

It was just one of those nights,one of those parties. I wasn't really looking forward to anything new. To be honest I just wanted to lay on my bed and see a movie but I had to be at the party. It was a birthday party for one of my closest friends and I could only honour the invitation as I had no birthday present to give.  Some years back,I had been single and desperate, I wanted badly to be in a relationship. To be loved and cared for as a human being and as the saying goes 'we all want love' but I had given up the search after several failed attempts. Ofcourse I've had my fair share of relationship experience but I had always wanted more than I was getting and so I kept hunting for this special love all to little or no success. It was about twenty minutes past midnight. The music got louder, guys were getting drunk and the ladies wasted. I on the other hand had had so much to eat so I sat still on my seat to enable my food digest and so as not to end up throw

The Transition 2

Richard heard someone cry out not too far off. She sounded so much like his mother. He moved quickly towards the noise,he had not walked far when he saw a madwoman lying on the floor,she looked weak and in pain. She tried to mutter the word help and he realised she wasn't mad afterall,she was a pregnant woman who was in labour and needed help. Richard didn't know what to do,he started to panick and he no longer felt hungry. He couldn't stand someone dying in his presence,not after everything he had been through. As he tried to help her up he noticed there was a set of keys in her finger,they looked like car keys. Maybe she was the one driving the car he thought to himself as he quickly took the keys and tried to unlock the car which opened almost immediately. Luckily for him he knew how to drive,his father had taught him several times after he finished his secondary school exams. He helped the lady into the back seat,he saw the stack of money lying exactly where it was

The Transition

It was a cold and frosty morning as Richard walked towards his room on campus. He had been up all night studying as his medical exams were forthcoming. It was his second year in school and just like other people he didn't have things going so smoothly for him. He was battling with so many things and had no one to rely on. Not even God. He didn't believe in the existence of God although as a child he was made to believe that there was a God who created and watched over everyone but after he lost his parents and younger sister in a fire accident few years ago, He could never recover from the mental anguish he had experienced. If there was a God, he certainly wouldn't have lost all he had as a family on the very day he had gained admission to study medicine in the university. Richard would never forget that day. He had gone over to his friends to check his admission status and on seeing that he had been admitted he had called his parents who were extremely joyful. His mothe

Twenty Ideas For Being Kind

Kindness is a wonderful virtue but many people don't possess it. We all know how we feel when someone has been kind to us and life gives us a chance on a daily basis to be compassionate towards another. I found this article on to learn how to be kind and thought to share. Enjoy. 1. Be resolved to become a kind person. How do you do this? Think, speak, and act with kindness. 2. Love kindness. When you do what you love, you are happy. A master of kindness is a master of joy. 3. When encountering someone, let your first thoughts be, What kind words can I say to this person and what kind things can I do? 4. Keep asking people, What can I do for you? 5. Everyone needs encouragement. Ask yourself, What can I say that will be encouraging? 6. Wherever you are, you are there for a reason. Ask yourself, Since I am here now, what kindness can I do? 7. Every kind person is unique. You have unique talents, skills, knowledge, and resources. Uti

Life Changing Questions

Keep in mind that these questions have no right or wrong answers… Because sometimes asking the right questions IS the answer. 1.  If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend? Remember, the way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.  You must love who you are or no one else will.  So treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.  Stop discrediting yourself for everything you aren’t, and start giving yourself credit for everything you ARE.  We have to learn to be our own best friends, because sometimes we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.  If you are used to telling yourself that you’re unattractive, that you are destined to fail, and that you’re not capable of performing in the world without someone holding your hand, then you will accept and feel most comfortable in relationships with people who reinforce these same negative beliefs.

Tunde & Shola 2

Tunde had it all planned out,he had intended for Shola to see the ring in his finger. It was going to be the perfect proposal. Knowing she would accuse him of lying to her, he planned to go down on one knee and tell her what he wanted; for her to be his Mrs. As he got out of the shower and moved towards the room ,he discovered she was no longer on the bed. "baby,baby" he called out but didn't hear anything. He moved towards the kitchen but there was still no trace of her. He was about to step out of the apartment when his phone rang. Minutes after he was driving towards blue cross hospital where he had received a call that his girlfriend was knocked down and was in a critical state. Tunde could not hold back the tears from his eyes. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. He remembered the first day he set his eyes on her,from that instance he had known she was going to be his wife. He couldn't explain the feeling,he just knew. After he found ou

Tunde & Shola;1

It was a cold Tuesday evening, I checked my watch for the 5th time, it was unusual for Tunde to turn up late. The witch must probably be holding him down. I slightly laughed at the idea as I gently closed the blinds “the witch”. He always referred to his mother as a witch. I could hear his manly and charming voice saying "shola,that woman is a bloody witch,if not that I'm her child she would have sucked all my substance" and I would laugh so hard. I turned off the lights once again. I hope my neighbours didn’t notice these reactions from my apartment. I must have turned off and on the light a million times now. As I waited patiently, I thought of him again. My tunde.. He was so different from every other guy in the world. I believe and trust him so much I really cant place the reason why but I believe him with everything I have and even though we’ve known each other for just four months it felt like forty years. He’s so gentle, charming, and sweet. He had the perfect h

When The Going Gets Tough

While there are many among us who love to put off things for later, even the ones who are usually raring to go have those off days when all things seem insurmountable. If you can relate with that, you are not alone; there are some days when I don’t feel like getting up from the bed too. It is up to each one of us to understand that it is normal to feel depressed, angry or hurt when things do not go the way we want them to. Here are a few tips on how to get motivated and get your life out of the rut. 1. Take the first step. The initial steps are often the most difficult and tricky, but once you have made it through the hard stuff, it is only going to get easier. You just have to keep at it! 2. Set realistic goals. Break down your long-term goals into short, realistic goals within your limits and capabilities. Create a detailed plan of action that will help you determine what you need to do to move towards your goal. Write it down somewhere in a prominent place so

In The Eyes of The Enemy 3

Uche heard a loud bang then silence, a loud bang then silence again. She clenched her stomach as she lay still on the floor. Words could not describe the state that she was in but she was rest assured that help was on its way and that's what kept her going. She lay still and began to hear voices,her abductor opened the big lock of the wooden cubicle where she was kept and made an attempt to blindfold her. It was dark so uche couldn't figure out who he was but one thing was sure,this was a good sign. It meant she was being led to a place where her parents were going to pick her she was only blindfolded in order not to be able to describe accurately where she was. Uche's abductor didn't waste time doing what he had to do. He was glad the money had arrived. The driver had called to confirm it and he couldn't wait to get his share all he needed to do was to hand the girl over. He led her out quietly and was glad the girl had also cooperated. Her legs were wobbly and

In The Eyes Of The Enemy 2

As Uche opened her eyes it took her few minutes to realise she wasn't dreaming. Her body ached badly and her face felt swollen. not too far away she could smell urine. She figured she was in some sort of wooden cubicle which had no doors. She tried to get up and see if there was a way round but realised a chain had been tied to her legs,a very heavy chain like those described by her class teacher as the leg chains that were put on the feet of slaves back in the days. Uche thought of school,she thought of her bestfriends Bidemi and Timothy. Would they be looking for her now? She thought. She also remembered her parents and began to weep uncontrollably. She wept so much that she peed on herself. Uche knew she had been kidnapped,she had heard of it,she had seen what it looks like in the movies,and now it was happening to her. She had to stay strong so she can be alive when her parents come for her. Uche decided not to scream or shout for help because that might irritate her abductors

In The Eyes of The Enemy

As Uche moved closely to the car park of her school St. Mark High School,she wondered for the 100th time why her dad had come to check on her in the middle of the day. Her class teacher had called her out right before 4th period to tell her her father was waiting for her at the park. Uche usually walked home after school hours herself so she wondered why he was here to see her when school wasn't over yet. She silently prayed she wasn't in form of any trouble,she knew she didn't do well in her maths test but he could have just waited till she got home to unleash his anger. Her father was such a disciplinarian and ever since she lost her younger brother six years ago to a motor accident things had changed in the house. Her parents fought all the time and being the only child left she had no one to share her childhood with,the only time to feel like the 13 year old that she really is was at school with her friends Bidemi and Timothy. As uche got to the drivers side of the c

Exclusively For Couples

Hi guys,I really tried to write a love story that would get us all emotional and loved up and hopefully have a good ending but the more I tried,the more other 'important' things kept rearing their heads up.  So I saw this beautiful post and decided to share with you. However I promise to continue with sequels nextweek. Enjoy below; They might be 30, or 75. They come in all colors, shapes, sizes and income brackets. It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been together. Whatever the demographics, when you see a happy couple, you just know it! How do these couples stay in love, in good times and in bad? Fortunately, the answer isn’t through luck or chance. As a result of hard work and commitment, they figure out the importance of the following relationship “musts.” Because few couples know about all of the musts, I think of them as the relationship “secrets.” Happy Couples and Their Secrets 1. Develop a realistic view of committed relationships. Recognize that

It Won't Stop

It was a very sunny Tuesday afternoon. As I powdered my face for the third time I cursed beneath my breath. If it hadn't been for the person owing me N5,000 I should be indoor shielding myself from the terrible weather. But I had to get the money otherwise the person would get away with it and one thing I know for sure is I don't let people get away when they are indebted to me. The trip was going to cost me N600 but I didn't mind paying the price. As I boarded a tricycle going to the nearest bustop I couldn't help but notice the people I was sitting in the midst of. Because I was smallish in size they put me in between. The man on my left was huge and sweating all over so much that I. could feel the sweat penetrating into my shoulder. Om my right was a woman who looked like a pepper seller,her disposition gave her away and as her phone rang I noticed she was with an iphone and then I thought why would someone this 'razz' have an iphone. The further the tricy

The Power of A Smile

A smile is a beautiful thing. It’s a universal symbol of happiness and a force of nature. Yes, a force of nature. Have you ever observed what happens within you when you smile, or better yet, forced yourself to smile when you’re feeling down? Give it a try right now. No matter how you’re feeling or what’s going on in your life, close your eyes and smile. Observe the feeling of warmth that wells up in your belly as you do it. Observe the shift in your energy as you turn that frown upside down.  If you’re still not convinced, go in front of a mirror and notice how you look when you’re smiling.  Once again, observe how you feel within and how you feel about the reflection looking back at you as your facial expression changes. If you’re feeling particularly cheeky, look yourself in the eyes, smile and say: “You’re awesome!” I believe that a smile is one of the most powerful and most underrated gifts that we, as humans, possess. It embodies our ability to create and our ability to expre

The Escape: 3

Tola was mystified as she took another look at Bongo and the dead body of Grand building's landlord not too far away. It was so obvious he had something to do with her mother's death,her daughters rape and also the dead body lying on the ground. She couldn't believe her eyes nor all that had happened within an hour.  She had earlier on ran for her life using the stairway straight from the 18th floor. On getting to the 4th floor,the lights had come on and she heard the muffled scream of her daughter lily. She hurried towards her daughters attacker with a flower vase beside the wall and hit it on his head while she told her daughter to run. At that point Tola knew she would never forgive herself if any of what was happening was her fault. She grabbed the gun on his waist as he lay motionless on the floor and kept running to meet up with lily wherever she was. Lily was nowhere to be found so Tola rushed towards the garage to check if she was there. Her poor baby had jus

The Escape: 2

Bongo as he was popularly called was a very ugly but wealthy 45 year old man. He had adopted the nickname Bongo sixteen years ago after his dead dog called Bongo. As an undergraduate, he had been a hit man which he had no regrets about. After his mother died, he dropped out of school to become a drug dealer which he engaged in successfully for 8years before retiring. Asides the fact that the risk of the job was getting higher by the years, He had become extremely wealthy and channelled his money towards acquiring property and reselling it. Few months ago,he made plans to secure Grand building. One of the most famous buildings in Lagos. He knew it was going to be a difficult task but he had confidence in the power of money. He knew very well that money answereth all things. He had called the shots and made the deal and to his uttermost surprise the owner of grand building was willing to sell to Bongo. Few weeks to closing the deal problems started to arise. The owner of grand bui

The Escape:1

Grand building was a massive building located in the commercial area of Lagos State. Because it was so close to the courthouse,barristers and solicitors worked in the building,asides that it was considered some form of luxury to have one's law firm located in the grand building. It was believed that the building housed the best and most successful lawyers in the state. It was almost 7.30pm as Secretary Tola looked at the clock. She worked at Bayode &co law firm located on the 18th floor of Grand building. Tola had to finish scanning some documents before going home or else she was sure to lose her job the next day. She couldn't afford that now. Her house rent was due,she had her ailing mother to take care of as well as lily her five year old daughter. Life had not been altogether fair for her. She had gotten pregnant for a man who vanished into thin air after he found out she was pregnant. Her mother had developed a stroke and there was no one to look after her. To cut