The Guy In Red

It was just one of those nights,one of those parties. I wasn't really looking forward to anything new. To be honest I just wanted to lay on my bed and see a movie but I had to be at the party. It was a birthday party for one of my closest friends and I could only honour the invitation as I had no birthday present to give. 

Some years back,I had been single and desperate, I wanted badly to be in a relationship. To be loved and cared for as a human being and as the saying goes 'we all want love' but I had given up the search after several failed attempts.
Ofcourse I've had my fair share of relationship experience but I had always wanted more than I was getting and so I kept hunting for this special love all to little or no success.

It was about twenty minutes past midnight. The music got louder, guys were getting drunk and the ladies wasted. I on the other hand had had so much to eat so I sat still on my seat to enable my food digest and so as not to end up throwing up and embarrassing myself.
I turned around to call a waitress to get me a drink of water when I noticed a very sparkly red jacket. The guy in it wasn't facing my direction and I couldn't help but try to see what he looked like. My wish was immediately granted as he turned around towards my direction. He was the most charming being on earth. Infact I thought to myself that his picture should be in the dictionary for the definition of handsome. He was perfect in all ramifications and I miraculously gained the zeal to start hunting again. This guy in red was the answer to my prayers. He was meant for me,I could feel it. I just hoped that he would notice me and maybe just maybe ask for my number.

I was extremely excited. As the waitress came towards me,I told her not to bother,I was going to get the water myself. Anything to be near the guy in red so that he can notice me. As I got close to the bar,I took note of his physique. He was not only well built,he looked extremely rich too. The bar man didn't seem to have my time as I kept repeating my order. I tried to raise my voice so the guy in red would look my way but he didn't. Yet I didn't give up,this was my chance and this was my 'guy' 

My instincts told me to seize the opportunity and talk to him,another voice told me to go back to my seat and wait. But I was familiar with this 'other' voice. It had let me down several times and made me lose wonderful opportunities. So this time I decided to follow my instincts. I walked briskly towards where the guy in red was standing alone with a drink in his hands observing the party and i made my first speech. "hi" I said. He looked back at me a bit startled 'can I help you?' He responded. 

"It depends on what you mean" I said and smiled a bit. But first let me introduce myself "I'm Kingsley, Kingsley Bello and I couldn't help but notice your dashing red jacket"

Story continues nextweek. 

God doesn't forsake his own :) stay blessed.


  1. Is the Bobo 'unstraight'? Tripping fi some dude? Before i spit it all out, lets see next week's serving from the one and only Funkified one.

    ~adedayo says so VIA NOKIA 1100 ~


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