The Escape: 2

Bongo as he was popularly called was a very ugly but wealthy 45 year old man. He had adopted the nickname Bongo sixteen years ago after his dead dog called Bongo.
As an undergraduate, he had been a hit man which he had no regrets about. After his mother died, he dropped out of school to become a drug dealer which he engaged in successfully for 8years before retiring. Asides the fact that the risk of the job was getting higher by the years, He had become extremely wealthy and channelled his money towards acquiring property and reselling it.

Few months ago,he made plans to secure Grand building. One of the most famous buildings in Lagos. He knew it was going to be a difficult task but he had confidence in the power of money. He knew very well that money answereth all things. He had called the shots and made the deal and to his uttermost surprise the owner of grand building was willing to sell to Bongo.

Few weeks to closing the deal problems started to arise. The owner of grand building hired a lawyer to probe Bongo and his financial status. This made bongo hate lawyers so much. Left to him they always want to know everything and what they did not know was that too much knowledge destroys.
Bongo had already purchased the building and all what was left was the transfer of documents of ownership of the building to him by the owner. After a while Bongo started to suspect that the owner was no longer interested in the agreement and so decided to kill the owner before he changed his mind.

It was the 5th of January 2014. Bongo and his boys had it all planned. They had visited the building that evening and gone straight to the garage while waiting for the landlord to drive out. And right there,Bongo on seeing the owner and using his hitman skills shot him twice at the back of his head.

All had gone as planned except shortly after,they discovered that a woman in her mid sixties had experienced the whole scenario. Bongo approached her and told her not to tell anyone what she had seen or else he was going to destroy her. She agreed and pleaded that she was only looking for the lift to go to the 18th floor where her daughter worked. They had shown her the direction of the lift and let her go when suddenly Bongo gave orders to one of his boys called Joe to go after her and kill her in the lift.

As Bongo and his boys waited for Joe to return to the garage they heard the sound of someone coming towards them,Bongo had no plans of shedding more blood that night and hoped it was joe returning from his assignment however he saw an entirely different figure.
Approaching him was a strange looking girl and judging by her appearance she had just been molested in some form,her clothes were torn and she was bleeding all over and crying.
Bongo had never been this moved in his entire life. He rushed towards the poor little child and carried her in his arms to his car. Filled with so much pity,he tried to wipe off the tears on her face and the blood on her body with his own shirt and then asked
 "can you hear me? What is your name? What happened to you?" the little girl looked very weak
" lily" the poor girl managed to say and afterwards became unconscious.

Bongo suddenly heard someone else approaching the garage,he was glad Joe had finally finished up. They had to get out of the building quickly and also take the girl to a hospital. The night seemed to be getting more eventful than he ever imagined and he sure hoped what happened to the girl had nothing to do with Joe.

The light at the garage was getting dim so it took him a moment to really see who was approaching him He soon realised it was a different person. A lady who looked like she was in her early thirties. A lady he clearly recognised as she came closer. The lady he had impregnated six years ago and avoided.

Yes he was sure he knew her very well,the little mole on her nose cleared all doubts. "Tola". he said to himself and that was when all became clear and it struck him that the little girl in his car who he wasn't so sure was still alive was his daughter.

Final episode comes up nextweek.
Make someone smile this week! xx


  1. spot on funke! am i sure i can wait till sunday on this? i doubt. still catchy! suspense intact. me likes..


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