Tunde & Shola 2

Tunde had it all planned out,he had intended for Shola to see the ring in his finger. It was going to be the perfect proposal. Knowing she would accuse him of lying to her, he planned to go down on one knee and tell her what he wanted; for her to be his Mrs.
As he got out of the shower and moved towards the room ,he discovered she was no longer on the bed. "baby,baby" he called out but didn't hear anything. He moved towards the kitchen but there was still no trace of her. He was about to step out of the apartment when his phone rang. Minutes after he was driving towards blue cross hospital where he had received a call that his girlfriend was knocked down and was in a critical state.

Tunde could not hold back the tears from his eyes. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. He remembered the first day he set his eyes on her,from that instance he had known she was going to be his wife. He couldn't explain the feeling,he just knew. After he found out that she was looking for a job at his late father's company, he knew that was the perfect sign and didn't let the opportunity pass him by. He had tried all he could to woo her,took her on several dates bought her a lot of things and because he wanted her all to himself,he got her an apartment just to feel her warmth every other day that he didn't sleep over at his mother's. At first she was very shy and treated him like her boss but he had made her overcome the fear and even volunteered to get her another job if she wasn't comfortable,he just couldn't lose her. She was a blessing to him in every way and her presence in his life made him have a better perspective towards everything. He often wondered where she had been all his life and wished he could show her off to his previous girlfriends so they could learn a lesson or two.

Right now , everything seemed to have come to an end. At some point he needed to talk to someone,he parked the car and called the most important person in the world to him,his mother. Surprisingly she had comforted him over the phone regardless of the fact that he had kept his relationship a secret from her. She volunteered to join him at the hospital.

On getting there, he found his way to the emergency unit. He didn't have the nerve to call her parent's yet. He had to see her first. Dead or alive.
"You must be Tunde" an average,dark looking doctor said to him on the hallway.
 "Yes I am" he replied quickly "
"How bad was it? please tell me she's still alive" he said close to tears.
The doctor motioned for him to follow him to his office. That seemed like a bad sign,his belly started to rumble and his whole world seemed to be spinning so fast,he couldn't believe that the only woman asides his mother who made him truly happy was dead.
As he sat on the chair in the doctors office,the doctor shut the door and introduced himself. "I'm Dr Sam,your girlfriend was brought in about two hours ago after being run down by a minivan. Unfortunately I'm afraid I have some bad news"
This was the moment he dreaded but he braced himself up for it,he was never going to forgive himself for coming late that night or not paying attention to her.
"Shola is alive but we can't assure you of the state of the baby,right now we've begun an operation on her and we her hoping the foetus would not be affected. Just keep praying for her"

Tunde almost ran mad,he didn't know what to think of or even how to think. Shola was not only alive,she was pregnant. Had she known all this while? Was the baby his?
"You can visit her in the next hour" the doctor said and excused himself.
Tunde's mother arrived shortly after and he explained the whole situation to her. She was more than overjoyed,she was going to be a grandma,she couldn't wait to see the lady who her son was so deeply and madly in love with.
Two hours later, Tunde,his mother and Shola's parents were at the ward where she was. He moved close to her and kissed her on the forehead,she couldn't talk but only nodded at everyone.
The doctor said the operation was successful and the foetus was no longer endangered.
In the presence of family and friends,tunde got down on one knees and proposed to Shola,it was a mind blowing one for her,he had told her of his silly idea of a proposal earlier and told her how much he loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
Shola with all the strength she could gather managed to say the word Yes and with this tunde slid the ring into his fiancee's finger.
The End.

Always look at the glass half full not half empty. God bless you all.


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