The Guy In Red 3

As thunder struck again ,Kingsley tried to move his body in the dark. He was numb all over and it felt like he was going crazy. Before the lights went out Kingsley had found himself in a well decorated room with a television set and air conditioning facility. A room he recognised not to be his but on seeing that he was chained to the bed realised he must have met his waterloo at some point or maybe he had died and was stuck in a place between heaven and hell. 
He had struggled to break free, called for help,screamed and cried out but no one had responded. All he had to himself was a mute television that was on and showing different people who could not see him and who he couldn't talk to. 

He hoped that soon enough all the questions in his head as to how he ended up tied to a bed in chains would be answered. The only thing he remembered was that he was at a party and the young man he had introduced himself to had responded nicely to him. He said his name was Sadiq,they had kicked things of and had a couple of drinks. Only for him to open his eyes now to a strange environment. He had pondered and struggled until it started to rain and the lights went out.

The thunder didn't stop,it must have been a heavy rain and Kingsley lay motionless in the dark anticipating what would happen next. 

Within minutes the lights and television also came on. Kingsley looked at the environment again,nothing had changed. He stared at the television hoping the station would at least make mention of what the time was. Just then, the handle of the door turned slightly and Sadiq entered the room. Kingsley was more than relieved to see a familiar face and the familiar red jacket. He sat abruptly and started raising his voice "what the hell happened Sadiq? How did I end up here? Please help me loosen these chains" 

Sadiq didn't look too pleased. He didn't like Kingsley at all,right from the moment he spoke with him till this point. He was disgusted by his appearance. Why in the name of God would a man be interested in another man? He didn't understand where the world was going to but that didn't matter. Kingsley was going to serve his purpose.

"Look young man" Sadiq said to Kingsley "just to make things clear I have no interest in you whatsoever. My boss would come very soon to sleep with you and I'm sure you won't have any problem with that"
Kingsley had goose pimples all over him, it dawned on him that he had been set up to be a sex slave to an old bastard. He was about to respond but Sadiq cut him short by pointing a gun at him from the far end of the room. "take a look at this gun,if you make any attempt to escape I won't have any problem ending your life in this premises" Sadiq put his gun back in his trousers and walked out of the room.

Kingsley wept like a baby, he wondered if anyone knew where he was. He thought of his family and friends and cursed himself for being in this position. If only he had not lusted after Sadiq sexually he would be in his own home right now with his family. He had no one to turn to. He looked at the television set,a lady in a traditional attire was broadcasting news. Headlines were showing on the screen and all what they all seemed to be saying was #bringbackourgirls 

Tears kept streaming down his eyes. Who was going to bring him back?

Till nextweek.
Spread !! 


  1. Something or someone would definitely help kignsley I know :D


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