In The Eyes of The Enemy 3

Uche heard a loud bang then silence, a loud bang then silence again. She clenched her stomach as she lay still on the floor. Words could not describe the state that she was in but she was rest assured that help was on its way and that's what kept her going. She lay still and began to hear voices,her abductor opened the big lock of the wooden cubicle where she was kept and made an attempt to blindfold her. It was dark so uche couldn't figure out who he was but one thing was sure,this was a good sign. It meant she was being led to a place where her parents were going to pick her she was only blindfolded in order not to be able to describe accurately where she was.

Uche's abductor didn't waste time doing what he had to do. He was glad the money had arrived. The driver had called to confirm it and he couldn't wait to get his share all he needed to do was to hand the girl over. He led her out quietly and was glad the girl had also cooperated. Her legs were wobbly and weak so he carried her into the car of her rescuer. After exchanging few comments with the kidnapper, Uche's rescuer sped off in the car with Uche.

The drive had taken an hour but they finally reached their destination. Uche had fallen into another long sleep so she wasn't fully conscious as she was being carried towards a river. As her body got dumped in the water Uche tried to open her eyes but figured out her hands were still tied to her back and the blindfold was still on,she kicked so hard but whoever carried her was bent on killing her. Her head was dipped in the water and as she tried to raise it up it was being pushed backwards. After a while uche stopped struggling and began to loose hope,the blindfold was coming off gradually and even though she knew all hope was lost she struggled to raise her head up in order to catch just a glimpse of the person who was so bent on taking her life. With all her might and strenght left in her Uche geared her head up once again and this time she was lucky enough to see who it was. Not long after she started to drown and become unconscious,her mind went to bidemi and Timothy before she saw a very bright light and gave up the ghost. 

Her work was finished here,Uches rescuer thought. The little girl was dead and that was all that mattered. She got back into her car filled with no regrets. It had been 14 painful years. After she had lost her son,she was told she couldn't conceive again. Her husband had stopped paying attention to her and started travelling a lot. 
Her chance had come at the hospital during one of her checkups where she had seen the parents of a pregnant girl looking for who would adopt the girls baby after delivery. Luckily for her,her husband had gone on one of his 6months trips again so she took the perfect opportunity to lie about being pregnant to her husband. After the delivery of the baby, she had taken the child for a sum of N15M which she was to pay 1M annually until the girl turned 15. After 12 years of payment she couldn't afford it anymore,the family of the child started to blackmail her,saying they would tell the whole world what she had done. That meant her husband would find out that the child wasn't his and that she had faked the pregnancy all through so she decided to take the whole situation in her hands. If her husband ever found out that would be the end of her marriage,she would loose both her husband and the girl and would be filled with shame and regrets for the rest of her life. She therefore set the whole kidnap up as an avenue to kill the child. That way,there won't be any proof as to if she was truly the mother of the girl or not. 
The driver had been foolish enough to believe the money was going to be sent to him first thing in the morning. All through the operation he didn't know who she was and had followed her instructions. All he cared about was money.

Well none of that mattered now,to her she had outsmarted her blackmailers and by the following day she and her husband would be mourning the death of their child. Her husband not having a clue of what she had done would continue to love and protect her. After all,she has just lost another child. 
Mrs Okorie,late Uche's mother took one last look at the corpse of the child she had just murdered got into her car turned on the engine of and sped off into a long distance towards her husband's house. 

The End. 

Have a great week! 


  1. awww.... touching piece funke.really touching... cool writeup


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