In The Eyes Of The Enemy 2

As Uche opened her eyes it took her few minutes to realise she wasn't dreaming. Her body ached badly and her face felt swollen. not too far away she could smell urine. She figured she was in some sort of wooden cubicle which had no doors. She tried to get up and see if there was a way round but realised a chain had been tied to her legs,a very heavy chain like those described by her class teacher as the leg chains that were put on the feet of slaves back in the days. Uche thought of school,she thought of her bestfriends Bidemi and Timothy. Would they be looking for her now? She thought. She also remembered her parents and began to weep uncontrollably. She wept so much that she peed on herself. Uche knew she had been kidnapped,she had heard of it,she had seen what it looks like in the movies,and now it was happening to her. She had to stay strong so she can be alive when her parents come for her. Uche decided not to scream or shout for help because that might irritate her abductors and make them kill her. She was sure her parents were doing everything they could to help her. 28,old school lane shandals park was where Mr and Mrs Okorie, Uche's parents resided. Mr Okorie had not eaten or rested in the past 24hrs. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. Few hours after he had landed a contract of N30m he had been called by his driver that his daughter had been abducted. His wife had been numb since he told her. He couldn't blame her,their marriage wasn't working and they had lost their first child some years back. Things had been really difficult for both of them. He moved towards his wife in the living room and tried to console her. She had been weeping all day without saying a word,she had not even changed her clothes since he called her to let her know what happened. He tried to reassure her to let her know everything would be alright " I have the money,and even though that's all I have now its enough to save our daughter and I'm sure things would gradually pick up from there" he looked at her but she didn't say a word. Uche's father reached for his phone and dialled the number he had been given. At the second ring someone picked up. "I have the money,where do I pick my daughter" he was given an address and quickly jotted it down. He heaved a great sigh of relief and went towards his room to get some sleep with the aim that first thing in the morning he would go and cash the money and head towards where his daughter was being held hostage. As soon as he left the living room,Mrs Okorie without saying a word took the paper on which the address was scribbled from the table,reached for her car keys and stepped out of the house. Let's see what happens next. Thank you all for your interest in the blog. Keep visiting and spreading Have a splendid week


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