The Transition 2

Richard heard someone cry out not too far off. She sounded so much like his mother. He moved quickly towards the noise,he had not walked far when he saw a madwoman lying on the floor,she looked weak and in pain. She tried to mutter the word help and he realised she wasn't mad afterall,she was a pregnant woman who was in labour and needed help.
Richard didn't know what to do,he started to panick and he no longer felt hungry. He couldn't stand someone dying in his presence,not after everything he had been through.

As he tried to help her up he noticed there was a set of keys in her finger,they looked like car keys. Maybe she was the one driving the car he thought to himself as he quickly took the keys and tried to unlock the car which opened almost immediately. Luckily for him he knew how to drive,his father had taught him several times after he finished his secondary school exams.
He helped the lady into the back seat,he saw the stack of money lying exactly where it was and was tempted to stash some into his pocket but he had to help the woman,just like he helped his mother when she was pregnant for his younger sister.
Richard switched on the engine and sped off,the security guards at the checkpoint didn't waste any of his time as they discovered that there was a woman in labour in the car.

About twenty minutes later,Richard was at the emergency unit of a general hospital. As he called out for help,he was surprised as the nurses gave the woman so much attention. As they took her in he was told to wait as she was in a critical condition and could die any minute. A particular nurse had even asked him to pray.
Richard was too weak and exhausted to laugh at the nurse when she asked him to pray. He didn't believe in God nor in his existence however he decided to give God one last shot. If he could save this woman and her baby's life he would forever worship him and start to believe in God.
 Richard's prayer was cut short by a stout looking man. "are you the one who brought my wife in here?" the man asked. "pardon me,I don't intend to be rude but I'm her husband and I just returned to the country about an hour ago. Please where is she? Is she okay?"
Richard tried to explain the situation. While he was still talking,a doctor approached the man "commissioner Adekunle,welcome back your wife and baby boy are doing well. Thanks to this young man who brought her in otherwise we would have lost her. Richard couldn't believe his eyes or ears. Not only had the woman's life been saved. Her baby was alive as well. Now he was sure there must be a God.  

"and to cut the long story short"45year old Richard standing infront of a large crowd with his wife beside him said "that is how I met with the wonderful family that catered for me till I became who I am today,all to the glory of God I met with the favour that changed the course of my life forever. So keep the faith,don't despair and always put your trust in God. Help is on its way"

Everyone rose to a standing ovation and gave Dr Richard a standing applause as he walked out of the hall with his wife and children.

The End.


  1. Hurried end.... But still spot on. Keep it up. This is not your best Funke.


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