The Guy in Red 5

Alhaji's health was getting worse daily,he had lost hope until Sadiq had brought Kingsley to his house. Alhaji Manko who was overjoyed had promised Sadiq heaven and earth if the ritual turns out to be successful. He had gotten himself prepared for Kingsley that night and carried out all instructions which included rubbing a special ointment on himself before sleeping with Kingsley. He had also been warned that he must not set his eyes on any lady until after he must have slept with the young man Kingsley.

Alhaji Manko on getting to the guest room and seeing a woman with Kingsley was extremely furious. Sadiq had ruined all his plans, betrayed him and even more destroyed his life. Sadiq brought out his gun and aimed it at Lizzy but he was too slow as Alhaji fired a shot at Sadiq from behind. Alhaji took one last look at Lizzy and Kingsley and then angrily walked out of the room.

Amidst all the drama they both witnessed, Kingsley had peed on himself while lizzy was numb from seeing Sadiq's lifeless body on the floor. As soon as Alhaji Manko left the room she got up and continued to untie Kingsley with tears rolling down her eyes. Kingsley was more than grateful. Lizzy was an angel sent from God. He felt terrible for all he had put her through knowing that she was deeply in love with him and had risked her life to save him.

The pair moved out of the room towards the gate and silently wished they would make it home safely. The guards let them out without asking questions and Kingsley felt a wave of fresh air surrounding him. Things were going to be alright he hoped,not long after they found a taxi and rode away.

The End.


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