The Guy in Red 4

Elizabeth also popularly called Lizzy was in a deep mess. It all started during her birthday party. She had invited a lot of people including the one and only guy she had her eyes on....Kingsley. She had met him at a club once and they suddenly kicked things off. They had exchanged numbers but he never for once called her back. Days turned to weeks and they hadn't gone beyond exchanging pleasantries so Lizzy used her upcoming birthday to let Kingsley know how she felt about him. She had invited him and he agreed. Infact things were going really smooth at the party and Lizzy had her eyes fixed on Kingsley till she saw Kingsley leave the party with a guy in a red jacket.  

That had left her feeling terrible and not long afterwards she went home. She tried calling his phone several times but there was no response. She decided to make peace with the fact that he didn't want to have anything to do with her but something kept telling her that all was not well.

Two days after, Lizzy was really disturbed. She had not heard from Kingsley or seen any of his updates online. She made up her mind to go back to the club where she had her party and waited to see if she would find any of kingsley's friends who could tell her he was alright. She was sipping a non-alcoholic drink and also lost in thoughts when a guy walked up to her. She recognised him instantly. He was wearing the same red jacket and introduced himself as Sadiq. He looked dangerous but lizzy decided to play along. She was determined to get to the root of the matter. 

After they talked and danced for a bit,he was hoping to get laid and invited Lizzy back to his place. Surprisingly enough she didn't hesitate and in less than an hour Lizzy had been driven to one of the luxurious houses in the surbubian parts of town.  

Shortly after they got to his room Sadiq excused himself. Lizzy felt more stupid than ever. How could she have risked everything to be with a guy she didn't know? Lizzy picked up her purse and helped herself out until she heard someone scream. She moved close to the room down the hall where the noise was coming from and placed her ears on the door. And that was when she heard everything Sadiq said to Kingsley. She was right. Sadiq was dangerous and Kingsley was in trouble. She had to help him.  

Lizzy hid in a corner making sure Sadiq wouldn't see her as he moved up the staircase. She quickly entered the room Kingsley was and tried to untie him. Kingsley was flaggerbasted by her appearance but grateful that help had come.
 'how did you get here? Did you all plan this?' Kingsley started to raise his voice.
 'I'm only here to help you, I would explain everything once we are out of here. Try to sit up' Lizzy replied hastily. 
After trying so hard and successfully freeing one arm she moved to the other side of the bed and started working on the other hand. But it appeared to be too late as Sadiq and an old looking man entered the room. Before Lizzy could say a word, Sadiq pulled out a gun from his waist. 

The dogs in Alhaji Manko's house started to bark. The security guard knew what this meant. The dogs must have definitely heard a gunshot. 

Final chapter nextweek.
Remember you are not alone. Have a pleasant week.


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