Tunde & Shola;1

It was a cold Tuesday evening, I checked my watch for the 5th time, it was unusual for Tunde to turn up late. The witch must probably be holding him down. I slightly laughed at the idea as I gently closed the blinds “the witch”. He always referred to his mother as a witch. I could hear his manly and charming voice saying "shola,that woman is a bloody witch,if not that I'm her child she would have sucked all my substance" and I would laugh so hard.

I turned off the lights once again. I hope my neighbours didn’t notice these reactions from my apartment. I must have turned off and on the light a million times now. As I waited patiently, I thought of him again. My tunde.. He was so different from every other guy in the world. I believe and trust him so much I really cant place the reason why but I believe him with everything I have and even though we’ve known each other for just four months it felt like forty years.
He’s so gentle, charming, and sweet. He had the perfect height not the perfect body though but I liked him that way. As I stretched my body on the sofa I remembered the first day we met.
It had been quite a cloudy day, I was on my way for an interview all dressed in corporate white, looking fabulous. As I was trying to hire a cab, I saw this guy drive by and splashed muddy water on my body. That was one of my worst moments, I wanted to cry and run crazy and then he approached me and despite my annoyance I took a second to appreciate his breathtaking appearance.
I snapped back to reality as he apologised deeply and offered me a ride back home. I gave him my address and he took a turn which I figured out later was the wrong way. He took me to a boutique instead and bought me a lovely black dress, told me to change into them and that if I was quick enough I would make it for my interview. He must have jazzed me or something because it felt like I was under a spell. I wasn’t even mad at him anymore and as we approached my prospective work place, he wished me best of luck and told me not to forget to sit with my legs properly crossed. I felt insulted as I walked into the building and got thinking “Is it that I didn’t sit well in his car or who the bloody hell did he think he was?” As I entered the building I noticed all eyes being on me which was quite unusual.

After few hours of interview and review test I had been asked to resume work the following week. I was extremely happy.
 As I found my way out, the receptionist walked up to me and said ‘congrats madam, here it’s not usually based on your intelligence. We also watch the way you appear, how nicely you are dressed and the way you sit’ and that was when I remembered him ‘Tunde’ the reason for getting this job, the reason for my lovely dress and I never got the chance to show my gratitude.

Unfortunately he had not asked for my number, then I remembered he knew my house address so he would probably come around to say hi. But funny enough he never did. Fastforward to a week after I discovered that Tunde's late father owned the company where I worked and Tunde was part of the board of directors. We became friends and then lovers.

I realised I had slept off for twenty minutes only to be awakened by the honk sound of Tunde’s car. I was delighted and as usual I felt butterflies in my stomach but I had to be a lady and act as though I was mad at him even though I was truly angry for him standing me up. I went straight into the bedroom and lay quietly on the bed, few minutes after I could perceive his odour, that cologne that drives me crazy whenever he wears it. I opened my eyes slowly and I honestly believed he thought I was asleep and that was when I caught something intriguing. Tunde was wearing a wedding ring. I acted cool and calm and I smiled as he kissed my fore head and went straight into the shower.

I began to feel hot all of a sudden. I got up and the first thought that came into my mind was for me to run, run away and forget about this lying bastard. I did see a wedding ring on his finger meaning that he had lied to me all this while. How could he? He had told me he had never been married and the only person I knew of in his entire life was his mother and uncle whom I had only heard from not seen. No, I had to confront him on this one. Confront him and tell him to get the hell out of my apartment. Technically he was the one who got me the apartment,I couldn't think straight so I packed a few things while he was still in the shower and headed towards the gate of the house.

Tears had started streaming down my face as I got to the main road,at the age of 30 I felt I shouldn't be pushed over by anyone,right now I needed a serious relationship someone I felt was ready to settle with me for the rest of his life. My thoughts were interrupted by people shouting from a distance,I turned left and by the time I realised what was going on,a car was speeding towards me and that's the last I could remember.

Find out what follows nextweek.


  1. Nice piece,can't wait for the next episode


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