
Showing posts from 2013

What Do You Think of God?

This is a topic most people are disinterested in. Infact I trust that if I was the one who saw a post like this,I would just scroll down and close the page because I feel I can predict the message. But wait,before you go and for the love of God who has kept you all through the year and even provided the device which you are using to read this post. I would employ you to let us go through this post together. Personally,I love God even though I'm not your pray every morning and night,fast for several days kind of Girl. But I discovered that my relationship with God only gets strengthened when I find myself in certain circumstances. For instance,when I'm about to write an exam,or a loved one is sick or a family member is troubled. However I want you to know that God is real. He is interested in our very own affairs,no matter how minute or ridiculous it may seem. Think of every tiny detail you may share with your friend or loved one. God is also interested in each and every of

All I Want For Xmas Is A Bouncing Castle

Weird right? Why would an adult want a bouncing castle? Well here's the gist. As a little child I had always admired bouncing castles. Maybe it was the way they were brightly colored or the fact that it was bouncy or that kids always looked so excited and funfilled whenever they were in it. As much as I loved it, I was never allowed to go into it. "Its too dangerous" my father would say,"you could get injured" my elder ones would say. "I see no reason why you should get all messy and sticky" my mother would say. I was therefore denied of this magical experience. At the age of 13 I was allowed to attend birthday parties without adult supervision and one would think this was my big break to go into a bouncy castle but no. My friends thought it was immature and ridiculous. "We are too old for that" they would say. They preffered queuing for icecream and talking about boys. No one could feel my pain. All I wanted to do was bounce. Its almost

You Never Know.

CHRISTOPER Evelyn oh Evelyn. My beautiful wife of 3 years. No woman on earth can be compared to her. Yes,not even my mother. That is why the very day we got married I vowed to her that I would never let anything come between us. No inlaw,no woman,no man. I vowed to love her till my last breath and although the few years of our marriage has been quite tough on us. I still love her and will continue to. About two years ago, Evelyn was deemed barren by a medical specialist as all efforts to enable us have children proved abortive. Ever since then her life had never been the same but we kept on believing in the miraculous power of God and that's why for her next birthday and just to prove to my unhappy wife that I'm here to stay,I decided to buy her a brand new car. One that I knew she would love because it had been her dream car for a very long time. I had it all planned out,I was going to pretend I had forgotten her birthday but as soon as she steps out of the door first thing

12 Truths After A Failure

Have you ever seen a child learn to ride a bike, or a toddler learn to walk?  They stumble and fall numerous times before getting it right.  Mistakes are learning opportunities.  It takes failure after failure to create success.  Believe you can and you are halfway there.  And never regret anything, because every little detail of your life, including your mistakes, is what made you who you are today. Here are twelve reminders to keep you motivated after a mistake or failure: 1. It’s okay.  You will be okay. – Take all the time you need to heal emotionally.  Moving on doesn’t take a day; it takes lots of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self.  Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.  Just because today is painful doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be great.  You just got to get there.  The best things usually happen when you least expect it.  So try to smile in the mean time.  Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated

Tales by Eze

My name is Eze, I'm a 30 year old man. Ild employ each and everyone of you to please read my story so that you can be my witness if I ever get arrested. I'm writing this memo at the international airport while waiting to board a plane to china where I intend to spend the rest of my life. As I mentioned earlier my name is Eze. A full blooded ibo boy from enugu. When you hear the word ibo. Three things come to your mind. Money,money and catholic church. I would like to share the story of my life with you and I hope you take your time to read,enjoy and learn a lesson or two. Before the age of 7 my parents were already dead. I was the only child of my mother at the time. My father died of a brief illness while my mother died during child labour of my younger sister who also didn't survive. Thankfully,the catholic priest in my community Father Peter was such a nice man that he took me into custody shortly after I became an orphan. I lived with him for almost 7years serving

Choose How You Make Your Bed.

Every action you take,every decision you make,everything you do causes an immediate effect on those around you- and on you. And this is the important bit. There is such a thing as instant karma. It is your bed and you are going to have to lie in it. Your actions will dictate whether in general your life is going to run happily or badly, smoothly or as of the wheels have fallen off.  If you are selfish and manipulative it will rebound on you. If you are generally loving and thoughtful you will get your just rewards- and not in heaven (or the next life or whatever you believe) but right here,right now. Trust me. Whatever you do and how you do it will come back to you in spades. This isn't a threat,merely an observation. Those who do good, get good. Those who do bad,get bad. I know we can all point to people who seem to have it made and are still pretty vile. But they don't sleep at night. They have no one to really love them. Inside they are sad and lonely and frightened. Th


Hello guys,no stories today. Hope you all had a good weekend? If good,all glory to God. If bad,well don't worry. Better days are ahead I can assure you :) I got a mail from Tyler Perry some months back and I couldn't help but print it out and paste it on my bedroom wall. Almost every time, I look at it and it gives me some form of encouragement so I thought what better post to share on my birthday. week than the mail.(Yes! My birthday is on the 20th of this month) So read and digest every word and I hope it becomes useful to you all. God bless you all and may this week usher in fresh smiles to you and your loved ones. Amen. Hey Fadeke, At 44, here are 44 things that I have learned and know to be true. Have a great day today my friends. 1. Yes, God is real. 2. Your gift can make room for you. 3. A baby can heal broken hearts. 4. A mother's love is stronger than distance, more powerful than time and can transcend the grave. 5. Take time to smell the roses but

Mystery Man 4

As at the age of 12,curiosity had become a part and parcel of Nancy. Not as in the usual manner possessed by most children. Nancy's curiosity was off the hook and so her parents battled so hard to explain almost everything to her. At a particular period,Nancy had seen her mother in tears and because she never experienced this before,she also started crying and begging her mum for answers. Moved by this display of affection from her daughter,Nancy's mother was forced to explain that her father had lied to her about a woman and that she Nancy's mum had done wicked things to the woman in question. She showed Nancy a picture of the woman they had found in one of her fathers old boxes. Nancy had kept the picture of the woman and prayed to it almost everyday till she turned 13 and kept asking the woman to forgive her mother for any wicked thing her mother had done.  So many years had passed and now Nancy was sitted in Maxwell's dining room staring at a very familiar pictur

Mystery Man 3

rFew hours had passed and they had both eaten. Nancy was pretending to enjoy the movie showing on the television but her mind kept wandering,Max was also seated beside her with a bottle of coke. She seemed to be into this guy but her guts told her something was not in place. Minutes after,Nancy felt herself dozing and before she knew it she was fast asleep. Max was delighted that everything was working according to plan. He despised this woman sitting next to him. Infact he hated her with everything in the world and he owed this to his mother to put Nancy through misery. It all started 35 years ago,according to what he was told by his mother. Nancy's father had met Max's mum and started a relationship. Everything his mother ever owned was used to make Nancy's father a better person. As soon as he became that person everything changed. He started doing awful things to his mum and even after she told him she was pregnant,he told her to get rid of the baby and when she re

Mystery Man 2

Weeks had passed and nothing had changed. Nancy and mystery man had a special seat on the bus. They both know the area they lived,where they worked,what work had been like, their favorite movies and music. He claimed to have a car but preferred to use it on weekends. He was single,never been married and hoping to make partner at Kent chambers. They knew the basic things about eachother and he brought her novels which she read and they both reviewed.  As Nancy got off the bus, she kept asking herself what was wrong with her, why he had not asked for her number. Maybe she wasn't pretty enough,maybe he was seeing someone else,maybe he just wants to be her friend. All these thoughts were driving her crazy. She made up her damn mind and decided she was going to ask him on a date. She didn't care if this belittled her, she had to take things to the next level. As she sighted him in the bus, she flashed her pretty smile and quickly walked towards him while he made way for her to s

Mystery Man

As Nancy stepped into the brt bus, she felt at ease. She had been trekking for the past 17minutes in order to get to the bus stop. At her age she ought to at least have a pretty low cost and decent vehicle. But oh well, nothing comes easy. She had just nailed a job interview at an insurance company and was told to resume work the fllowing day. She found a comfortable seat by the window and less than ten minutes later the bus was moving. Nancy noticed the person sitting next to her. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties,chocolate skinned color and a dashing suit. What caught her attention most was the hemmingway novel in his hand. She loved hemmingway and his books. Infact she had gotten an hemmingway novel 3years ago when she turned thirty and few weeks later she had lost the book. She was really devastated back then because she never got to read the book and secondly it was given to her by her father who died shortly after. Nancy was lost in thought until the mystery man who

Friend or??????

Do you have a pal who reminds you more of a possessive boyfriend than a friend? Maybe Snow White’s stepmother or a huge butthead of a boss? I’ve had more than enough experience with these energy-suckers over the last twenty-odd years and if any of those examples are making your heart pump, there is a good chance you are dealing with the BP oil spill of your social life. Take the friend you have in question, and ask yourself this: “How do they make me feel?” If it’s anything that strays far from “UH-MAZING”, then your friendship needs some evaluating. Friends should leave you feeling inspired and happy. These are the people who are supposed to put you at ease, help you have fun and deal with the challenges of life. If a friend stresses you out, makes you feel like less of a person or exhausts you, then chances are the relationship is not a healthy one. It’s sometimes hard to see it when you’re in it, so let me lay out these huge red flags: Poisonous pals ARE NOT PALS AT ALL, and


How to Let Go and Forgive Post written by Leo Babauta. We’ve all been hurt by another person at some time or another — we were treated badly, trust was broken, hearts were hurt. And while this pain is normal, sometimes that pain lingers for too long. We relive the pain over and over, and have a hard time letting go. This causes problems. It not only causes us to be unhappy, but can strain or ruin relationships, distract us from work and family and other important things, make us reluctant to open up to new things and people. We get trapped in a cycle of anger and hurt, and miss out on the beauty of life as it happens. We need to learn to let go. We need to be able to forgive, so we can move on and be happy. This is something I learned the hard way — after years of holding onto anger at a loved one that stemmed from my childhood and teen-age years, I finally let go of this anger (about 8 years ago or so). I forgave, and not only has it improved my relationship with this love

For my loyal readers.

What is a soul mate? Do I have one? And if so, where is mine? The idea that there is one special person created just for you is too juicy not to consider. I definitely believe in soul mates, but my definition extends beyond the traditional idea of The One. What I believe is that a soul mate is a person with whom you are unexplainably drawn to be in relationship. Soul mates are brought into your life so that you can grow and expand into the best version of yourself. Let's think about attraction for a second. We come into contact with many, many people throughout our lives. And we are attracted to some of them. But there are only a few that we are so attracted to that we make a decision to partner-up with them. Why is it that we are pulled to get into relationships with just a few people? It's because, when it comes to attraction, our unconscious is leading the way. Love is not logical; it is of the soul. And the soul knows a thing or two; it's pretty damn smart. It

To Tolani,from Kevin.

When people hear stories about you they are so quick to judge. My point is we should learn to hear both sides before rushing into conclusions. My life isn't perfect and I'm sure yours isn't aswell. I'm kevin and I'm sure uve all read tolani's journal by now. Well the truth is I didnt intend to be romantically involved with tolani. Infact I had just gotten out of a deep mess. My fiancee cheated on me with a white man,worse still I contracted HIV aids from sleeping with her. I was so devastated and filled with rage that I felt like getting my revenge. It was just a pity that tolani became my scape goat. After I had slept with her, I began to realise what a wonderful person she is, so kind,so sweet she would spend weeks at my place and even cook for me and clean. If I could come back to the world again,I would marry this woman. She was really a rare jewel. I couldn't take her to my mum because of my status and I stopped hanging out with my friends after I learn

Tolani's Journal

Its almost another year since I met Kevin. My sweet,caring and wonderful Kevin. However before I continue I would like to briefly introduce myself. My name is Tolani and I'm 23 years old. Most people say I'm pretty with a beautiful smile and most times, I tend to agree. Like most girls in the world today,I've had my share of ups and downs with men. I've broken hearts and my heart has also been terribly broken as well. Infact let me just say that I don't think anyone can survive the breakup I've been through. But I'm glad I'm strong and that's how I've been able to move on especially into the arms of the man of my dreams Kevin. I met Kevin few years back through a friend and from the moment we got to know eachother it was love at first sight. Before I knew what was going on,I was already spending fortnights at his place. Initially I thought he was a rebound for me but soon I realised that our destiny was tied to eachother. We are always there for

You Get What You Deserve.

The Mistress I'm at a pastors funeral and friends and family are gathered. I'm certainly not family neither am I a friend. Even though I didn't see this one coming well I guess in the end you get what you deserve. I heard the pastor committed suicide the same day he preached. Well, I suppose I should know better after he committed adultery with me and even made me abort the pregnancy I had for him. I was terribly hurt about what he did to me so much that I felt the only way to get my revenge was to cast a spell on him through a native doctor and render him impotent. I wanted him to suffer for the rest of his life but since he decided to end it so quickly I hope he continues to burn in hell. Maybe,just maybe if he had begged for. forgiveness I might have lifted the curse but he has laid his bed and he is certainly lying on it now. The Wife The officiating minister continues to talk about my husband's death. I'm sad yet I'm glad,gloomy yet happy. I'm sure


When pedestrians see you riding a fancy car,most of them wish they are in your shoes little do they know that I'm willing to give it all up just to be happy. That is why money never buys happiness. For the past 25years things have seemed great. Beautiful family,lovely wife and children. I've achieved a lot but I'm not proud to call myself a man. In the past six years I've not been able to perform sexually. I've been medically declared abroad as impotent and my status can't make me confide in anyone. . Does anyone even have the idea of what it feels to spend almost every night with their wife and not be able to perform? For a man its like becoming barren and powerless,it strips you of everything that makes you a man. I try so hard and it hurts my wife so much that she starts to rain abuses on me and naturally I loose control and give her the beating of her life even when I know my children are aware of how I maltreat her. Perhaps that's why she insisted on s

Trapped 2

I'm at the front row looking at him,so handsome and so well dressed,the congregation is paying so much attention,he's preaching and everywhere is so silent. This is a man of God,how would I seek his advice on what is going on with me? Its another Sunday in the presence of God and I have no one to talk to. All my life,I've been devoted to whatever I put my heart to. That's who I am and who I've always been. I'm now 42 years of age and life has sure shown me hell. Like everyone else,I have a big problem. Whenever I'm deeply hurt,my tongue let's loose and I say a lot of hurtful things to the people I care most about. I have a lot of friends but we all. pretend to one another by acting as if life is indeed perfect. Everyone is all so superficial and they all look up to me but who do I have the courage to tell that my husband has become impotent. This has been going on for about six years and I'm always so tortured about it. His pride won't let him vi


I'm only 11 and schooling in one of the best schools in town. Its another summer break and since I'm in the boarding house,to most people it meant quality family time but that wasn't the same case for me. I come from a family of five. My father,my mother and three children me being the last child. Its about 1am at midnight and since my siblings are out of the country I'm up watching TV and that's when I hear the noise,its a noise I'm very familiar with. My dad beating my mum again. I hear smashing and my mum wailing. I can't move from where I am yet I'm in pain. My Dad who is meant to be my heroe has turned to a monster and my mother a whole society lady has been reduced into a punching bag. Do they even know how I feel? How much it hurts,I'm only 11 and going through this..and that's when I hear my mum screaming for help. She never used to scream for help,I silently open the door and rush to her aid. My dad on seeing me decides not to smash the


It's a new beginning for you and for me,to share our hopes and dreams,our secrets and also to reach out to those who need our help on several issues bothering their lives and the affairs of their hearts. Please look out for upcoming posts.