
I'm only 11 and schooling in one of the best schools in town. Its another summer break and since I'm in the boarding house,to most people it meant quality family time but that wasn't the same case for me. I come from a family of five. My father,my mother and three children me being the last child. Its about 1am at midnight and since my siblings are out of the country I'm up watching TV and that's when I hear the noise,its a noise I'm very familiar with. My dad beating my mum again. I hear smashing and my mum wailing. I can't move from where I am yet I'm in pain. My Dad who is meant to be my heroe has turned to a monster and my mother a whole society lady has been reduced into a punching bag. Do they even know how I feel? How much it hurts,I'm only 11 and going through this..and that's when I hear my mum screaming for help. She never used to scream for help,I silently open the door and rush to her aid. My dad on seeing me decides not to smash the flower vase on the table on her head. He had bought her that flower vase as Valentine's gift last year. On seeing me,he apologised and went back inside the room leaving my mum in the hallway with her dress torn and her eyes swollen. She tells me to go back to my room. I return and make a silent prayer to God "I'm only 11 dear God,if you really answer prayers like I've been told please make my dad stop beating my mum. Amen"
The following day I'm in church for Sunday service,I'm allowed to stay in the adult church and as the pastor mounts the pupil he announces the topic he wants to preach "God answers prayers" I look at him again,the Pastor who happens to be my dad.
Help,I'm trapped.

This is for the children who witness domestic violence and are dying inside with no one to talk to.


  1. Sad story. Really trapped. God help us all.

  2. I hope it doesn't end there and the trailer continues. Thank you for sharing this with us. (K)


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