Mystery Man 2

Weeks had passed and nothing had changed. Nancy and mystery man had a special seat on the bus. They both know the area they lived,where they worked,what work had been like, their favorite movies and music. He claimed to have a car but preferred to use it on weekends. He was single,never been married and hoping to make partner at Kent chambers. They knew the basic things about eachother and he brought her novels which she read and they both reviewed.

 As Nancy got off the bus, she kept asking herself what was wrong with her, why he had not asked for her number. Maybe she wasn't pretty enough,maybe he was seeing someone else,maybe he just wants to be her friend. All these thoughts were driving her crazy. She made up her damn mind and decided she was going to ask him on a date. She didn't care if this belittled her, she had to take things to the next level.

As she sighted him in the bus, she flashed her pretty smile and quickly walked towards him while he made way for her to sit.
She was wearing a dark purple silk dress and her best perfume 'Rodriguez' which she used on very rare occasions. They got talking as usual. He also told her of a recent case they had in court. He was so graceful and charming when he talked and the more he spoke, the more Nancy felt the urge to ask him out.
They were few minutes away from Nancy's bustop when Nancy said "I would like you and I to have dinner sometime if u don't mind". Really? He replied and calmly said, it would be my pleasure. They fixed a date for the following day and he told her he preferred to host her at his place while they exchanged numbers.

The next day was Saturday and Nancy was already up at 6am, she spent all night thinking of how her date with mystery man will start and end.
By the middle of the day, she already made her hair getting ready to go to his place and that was when he called. "Hello" he said, "really looking forward to seeing you again, I made vegetable soup and poundo yam I hope u don't mind" of course not she replied blushing as she saw her reflection in the mirror "I would leave very soon" . "Alright then I would text you the details" he said and hung up.
Nancy was in cloud nine by now,not only was handsome,he could cook as well. The guy was just too perfect. She was still lost in thoughts when her phone buzzed. He had sent the text with his address. She quickly typed a text to Fortune her best friend with the message reading "51,oak road,Rowland avenue. Date with mystery man. Wish me luck. Wuld call u later to gist u. Lots of love".

For a split second she thought of what she was about to do,for what its worth she only met this man few weeks ago and only knew so little about him. A part of her told her not to go or atleast call fortune and ask for advice. But she didn't want to jinx it,fortune had a history of spoiling parole as regards her and men.
In less than an hour she was ready and luckily for her as she stepped out of her house,few blocks away there was a taxi parked. After giving direction to the driver she entered the taxi,closed her eyes and said a silent prayer.

Somewhere at 51 oak Road,Rowland avenue, a man sat down to gulp down a drink of chilled coca cola. Afterall he had just spent the last hour digging up a grave in his backyard for a beautiful woman who definitely would be eating pounded yam and vegetable soup but instead of sleeping in his bed afterwards she would be sleeping 6feet under the ground.

Same day nextweek.
Make peace this week.xx


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