Mystery Man 4

As at the age of 12,curiosity had become a part and parcel of Nancy. Not as in the usual manner possessed by most children. Nancy's curiosity was off the hook and so her parents battled so hard to explain almost everything to her. At a particular period,Nancy had seen her mother in tears and because she never experienced this before,she also started crying and begging her mum for answers. Moved by this display of affection from her daughter,Nancy's mother was forced to explain that her father had lied to her about a woman and that she Nancy's mum had done wicked things to the woman in question. She showed Nancy a picture of the woman they had found in one of her fathers old boxes. Nancy had kept the picture of the woman and prayed to it almost everyday till she turned 13 and kept asking the woman to forgive her mother for any wicked thing her mother had done. 

So many years had passed and now Nancy was sitted in Maxwell's dining room staring at a very familiar picture on the wall. The resemblance was so genuine,the woman on the wall was the same woman Nancy had prayed to for months when she was still very young. It then occurred to her that the woman was Maxwell's mother. Fear gripped her heart and she started feeling uncomfortable and scared. She had followed Maxwell to bring the food to the dining but he had gone back alone to pour their drink. Was he going to poison her? She thought to herself. Does he know we are related? The questions began to flood her mind and her instincts told her not to trust him.

He came out seconds later with two glasses in his hands,poured their drink and went to the living room to play music. Nancy quickly took this opportunity and poured the drink in her glass inside the sink beside her and served herself another round from Max's bottle. 
Minutes after they were done with dinner and watching the television Nancy started dozing and in a short while slept off.
It was when he carried her that she became conscious but pretended to be asleep. She decided to play along so as to know his intention.
But it was too late for her to react,he had put her in the ground and was covering her up with sand "o my God,he wants to bury me alive" she thought to herself. She decided to lay still until she was entirely covered up in sand. Nancy wept badly,how could she have been so foolish to have trusted a complete stranger.

An hour or so passed and she realised he must have left her wherever she was. She started pulling herself off the ground,for her death was even more preferable at this point. Sand got into all her body,her ears,her eyes and it was difficult to take pull out of the sand but she managed to come out. As soon as she was out of her own grave she started running as fast as she could. She climbed the wall to the other side her clothes tearing in the process,landed into an uncompleted building and continued to run for her dear life. 
As soon as she got on the main road,she took a turn to a bend on the road but didn't realise a long bus was coming her direction. 
The bus which was coming with full speed hit her so hard tossing her body into the air.

Nancy opened her eyes to a blindingly bright light,her senses returned to her and she felt she was in heaven. Atleast she made it to heaven she thought to herself. Tears began to well up in her eyes. She wished she could go back and have the life she had always wanted,she wished she could reconcile with her mother who she abandoned 10 years ago,she wished she could go back and beg for forgiveness from the man who tried to kill her and led her to her own death. But it was all too late now.

 Nancy turned her head to the left only to see curtains. A lady walked in dressed as a nurse and Nancy wondered if there were angels dressed as nurses in heaven. The nurse looked at her with so much joy and excitement and said " madam,thank God you are alive and conscious,you were brought to our hospital 7 days ago after you got hit by a bus,do you remember your name?" 
Nancy managed to speak although she felt numb all over " name is Nancy".

Nancy's wish had just come true.
Nancy was alive.

Change what you can,while you can. Some opportunities come only once.
God bless you all.xx 


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