All I Want For Xmas Is A Bouncing Castle

Weird right? Why would an adult want a bouncing castle? Well here's the gist. As a little child I had always admired bouncing castles. Maybe it was the way they were brightly colored or the fact that it was bouncy or that kids always looked so excited and funfilled whenever they were in it. As much as I loved it, I was never allowed to go into it. "Its too dangerous" my father would say,"you could get injured" my elder ones would say. "I see no reason why you should get all messy and sticky" my mother would say. I was therefore denied of this magical experience.

At the age of 13 I was allowed to attend birthday parties without adult supervision and one would think this was my big break to go into a bouncy castle but no. My friends thought it was immature and ridiculous. "We are too old for that" they would say. They preffered queuing for icecream and talking about boys. No one could feel my pain. All I wanted to do was bounce.

Its almost a decade after and this weekend I decided to take a trip to the park. Just an avenue to be alone and reflect on my life. In getting there I saw the most enormous bouncing castle. They must have set it up for the festive period. I had never seen one so big and high in my whole life.
I looked around and realised there was no one I recognised. Children where in the castle jumping so high and filled with fun. I quickly moved towards it. This was my big break I thought. My very own moment. I had never bounced before and probably would never bounce again. As I kept moving towards it the voices in my head began to talk so loudly. Its too dangerous,are you foolish? You are too old for that.
In order to distract myself I plugged in my earphones and played a song very loudly.
With all the joy in the world I entered the bouncing castle and started to bounce. Even the children didn't notice me or seem to care. I bounced and bounced and bounced. Into the far end of the castle. This was the time of my life. I was so excited. Nothing mattered anymore. I didn't feel embarrassed. On the contrary I was filled with unexplainable joy. I had broken the bounds. I was bouncing.

Suddenly I realised I wasn't bouncing anymore. The castle was deflating. I looked about and saw that all the children had evacuated the bouncing castle. I must have been caught up in the moment. Within seconds,the whole weight of the structure started to collapse on me. I struggled with all my might to ger out. I was almost suffocating. I couldn't scream for help,I wanted to give up so badly then it occurred to me that if I did, then I would have proven my family and friends right but I wanted to prove to them that I was wrong. I wasn't limited. With this resolution in my heart I pushed further until suddenly my hands stuck out into fresh air and people started pulling me out.

As I was dragged out everyone around kept clapping and cheering,I ended up receiving so many hugs from the children. I felt like an hero even though I had just had a near death experience.

Well I probably might not go into a bouncing castle again but only one thing mattered and was the most important thing. I bounced.

Don't be scared to follow your goals,ambitions and dreams. They may lead you nowhere but you would gain satisfaction from knowing you tried.

For my companion at Swé

Keep Bouncing Friends.
Happy Christmas.


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