You Get What You Deserve.

The Mistress
I'm at a pastors funeral and friends and family are gathered. I'm certainly not family neither am I a friend. Even though I didn't see this one coming well I guess in the end you get what you deserve.
I heard the pastor committed suicide the same day he preached. Well, I suppose I should know better after he committed adultery with me and even made me abort the pregnancy I had for him. I was terribly hurt about what he did to me so much that I felt the only way to get my revenge was to cast a spell on him through a native doctor and render him impotent. I wanted him to suffer for the rest of his life but since he decided to end it so quickly I hope he continues to burn in hell. Maybe,just maybe if he had begged for. forgiveness I might have lifted the curse but he has laid his bed and he is certainly lying on it now.

The Wife
The officiating minister continues to talk about my husband's death. I'm sad yet I'm glad,gloomy yet happy. I'm sure everyone is wondering why the pastor took his own life afterall he seemed happy. Well, I had seen the note he wrote that evening and knew he planned to hang himself after I go to bed. Yet I let it happen. I allowed him carry out his heart desire. Does that make me cruel? Well let's just say I'm in love. Yes! I'm in love with myself and I value my life so much. Afterall I've endured all this while,the beating,the pain,the tears and two broken ribs. I had no one to tell that he almost beat life out of me because I loved him and didn't want to ruin his career and reputation. Maybe, just maybe this is God compensating me for six years of bitterness.

The Child
The minister is chanting a psalm now. I look at each and everyone present all dressed in black and crying. I stopped crying a long time ago but my elder siblings won't stop and to think I'm the 11year old and the youngest. Well we all miss daddy and I'm sure the question on everyones mind is why did he do it. I'm sure God knows best. Even though I'm no longer trapped still I've lost my daddy,the man who was meant to train me into adulthood and be my hero. Maybe,just maybe things would not have ended this way if I had talked to my dad and told him how I felt.

Sometimes you can choose not to get what you deserve.

Special thanks to Yinka.
Till next Sunday. Xx


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