What Do You Think of God?

This is a topic most people are disinterested in. Infact I trust that if I was the one who saw a post like this,I would just scroll down and close the page because I feel I can predict the message.
But wait,before you go and for the love of God who has kept you all through the year and even provided the device which you are using to read this post. I would employ you to let us go through this post together.

Personally,I love God even though I'm not your pray every morning and night,fast for several days kind of Girl. But I discovered that my relationship with God only gets strengthened when I find myself in certain circumstances. For instance,when I'm about to write an exam,or a loved one is sick or a family member is troubled.

However I want you to know that God is real. He is interested in our very own affairs,no matter how minute or ridiculous it may seem. Think of every tiny detail you may share with your friend or loved one. God is also interested in each and every of such issues.
The next thing that comes in mind is this, why do we find it hard to maintain communication with God? Why does it seem that whenever we have issues we talk to him better than when we don't?

In my own opinion, it is because we put him so far away from us. We picture him as this king with a staff on the throne up in the sky who doesn't bother us and so we don't need to bother him.
If you are sincerely wishing to get better with God you have to stop regarding him as just your father but also a friend. And the awesome thing about him is that he can listen to all your crap and even talk back to you regardless of your sins. Above all,he answers prayers as long as you have faith in him.

With time you would realise what a wonderful friend he is and that he is always there. He doesn't lie,he doesn't disappoint, he doesn't make excuses and never gets tired of being there for you. He cares about you,protects you and provides for you. Wouldn't you rather stick with this God.

My dear readers,if any of you believes in God I would want you to state as a comment on this post one unique thing you are grateful for in the year 2013 believing he would do better.

While we look forward to a wonderful year ahead,I wish you all the best.
May God wipe every tear on our faces,may he grant us peace and above all may his presence never depart from our lives. Amen.


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