To Tolani,from Kevin.

When people hear stories about you they are so quick to judge. My point is we should learn to hear both sides before rushing into conclusions. My life isn't perfect and I'm sure yours isn't aswell. I'm kevin and I'm sure uve all read tolani's journal by now. Well the truth is I didnt intend to be romantically involved with tolani. Infact I had just gotten out of a deep mess. My fiancee cheated on me with a white man,worse still I contracted HIV aids from sleeping with her. I was so devastated and filled with rage that I felt like getting my revenge. It was just a pity that tolani became my scape goat. After I had slept with her, I began to realise what a wonderful person she is, so kind,so sweet she would spend weeks at my place and even cook for me and clean. If I could come back to the world again,I would marry this woman. She was really a rare jewel. I couldn't take her to my mum because of my status and I stopped hanging out with my friends after I learnt of my disease so there was really no one to show her to. All I had was my work and I faced it squarely.I couldn't bring myself to break her heart so I decided that she would decide that on her own and so I never told her I loved her nor acted like I wanted us to be togeda for ever.
Now I see she thinks she's pregnant and its obvious the pregnancy surely isn't mine. At the same time I'm glad this would put us apart forever. Tolani if you can read this, I forgive you for cheating on me, at the same time I hope you can forgive me for giving you HIV.

Don't wait till you make your own mistakes. Learn from others.
Wishing you a lovely week.
See you next Sunday. Xx.


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