Tales by Eze

My name is Eze, I'm a 30 year old man. Ild employ each and everyone of you to please read my story so that you can be my witness if I ever get arrested.
I'm writing this memo at the international airport while waiting to board a plane to china where I intend to spend the rest of my life.
As I mentioned earlier my name is Eze. A full blooded ibo boy from enugu. When you hear the word ibo. Three things come to your mind. Money,money and catholic church. I would like to share the story of my life with you and I hope you take your time to read,enjoy and learn a lesson or two.

Before the age of 7 my parents were already dead. I was the only child of my mother at the time. My father died of a brief illness while my mother died during child labour of my younger sister who also didn't survive.
Thankfully,the catholic priest in my community Father Peter was such a nice man that he took me into custody shortly after I became an orphan.
I lived with him for almost 7years serving him and cleaning the church. In short I was a church boy but at the age of 14 I got tired of that lifestyle. I wanted to have money and live comfortably and I knew it wasn't going to be possible if I continued to serve in the church so I decided to go to Lagos where I heard is the only place in the world where you can make it.

As an ibo boy,if you couldn't lay your hands on money easily its either you start a business with the little you have or steal if you have nothing at all. I heard stories about my father that he was a very smart thief during my age and I prayed earnestly to God to let that spirit of theft enter me so I can steal money from the church and go to Lagos to start a new life or else I would end up living a miserable life,eating akpu everyday and becoming a priest just like father peter. I couldn't stand the chance of being a priest because of one major reason. I liked women a lot and I planned on having as many wives as possible. Just like my father.

It was in the year 1997, in the month of may when I decided to travel to Lagos. I made up my mind to run away in the early hours of a monday morning after I must have stolen the church offering for sunday. So that sunday night I packed few of my things in a poly bag and planned to go under father peters bed at midnight to steal the offering gathered that day. .
At exactly midnight I crept into father peters room and crawled under his bed,I quickly untied the cloth where the money was folded and counted N700. The money was enough to sustain me for a week. As I crawled out of the bed,father peter grabbed my legs and started beating me. "Eze" he shouted "I've brought you up in the way of the Lord but you've decided to choose the way of the devil. As soon as the sun shines I'm going to parade you in the city so that everyone would know you are a thief who tried to steal Gods money" . "pls sir" I begged. "it was the devil,pls help me sir I would do anything" I said crying out loudly and almost wetting my underwear.

Then I heard Father Peter laugh. I wondered what was so funny. He held me by my shoulders and said "you see Eze,if you don't want anyone to know what you've done especially chioma who I know you like in church,I'm going to sleep with you and you must not tell anyone". I'm sure my ears must have heard wrong. That was easy,maybe father didn't like to sleep alone I thought. All I needed to do was lie beside him till the cock crows. Above all I would rather do anything to cover up what I've done than let 12 year old chioma who I planned to marry see me paraded as a thief.

But my dear friends, I did more than that. Father Peter raped me against my will. I wept all through but this was the price I had to pay for attempting to steal. Father peter was as we now refer as today an homosexual.

Story continues nextweek.
Happy new month.xx


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