You Never Know.

Evelyn oh Evelyn. My beautiful wife of 3 years. No woman on earth can be compared to her. Yes,not even my mother. That is why the very day we got married I vowed to her that I would never let anything come between us. No inlaw,no woman,no man. I vowed to love her till my last breath and although the few years of our marriage has been quite tough on us. I still love her and will continue to.
About two years ago, Evelyn was deemed barren by a medical specialist as all efforts to enable us have children proved abortive. Ever since then her life had never been the same but we kept on believing in the miraculous power of God and that's why for her next birthday and just to prove to my unhappy wife that I'm here to stay,I decided to buy her a brand new car. One that I knew she would love because it had been her dream car for a very long time. I had it all planned out,I was going to pretend I had forgotten her birthday but as soon as she steps out of the door first thing in the morning,she would see a beautiful car tied in ribbon and the words
'Happy Birthday E. Will you marry me allover again?' Written on a cardboard attached to the windscreen.

I contacted a car agency abroad and a lady was assigned to me as regards the purchase and shipping of the car. The woman called Sophia lived abroad and most of our communications held at night which worked for me because I wanted it to be a big surprise and most importantly I wanted the car to be shipped into Nigeria and cleared by the 14th of December,a day to her birthday.
I really hoped my wife appreciates the gesture and realise that I'm here to stay,to love and cherish her despite the fact that we had no children yet.

Christopher oh Christopher,the man of my dreams who came to my reality. The only man who made me believe in true and pure love.
My childhood had been terrible. My father cheated on my mum all the time even to her knowledge but she still endured the marriage. Things however got worse after my father defiled and molested me. My mother had to take me away and kept struggling single handedly to raise me up until the day she died. I therefore vowed not to be with any man or get married till I leave this world.

 However I met Christopher who had proven his love and stayed faithful to me all through and that's why I decided to marry him. On getting married to him,I was so excited that I quit my job to be a stay at home wife to raise my children. But 3 years after, I had been unable to produce children. Chris had been there for me and promised to always be but recently he had been acting strange which wasnt surprised about considering my situation. I always knew it would get to this,that he would start cheating on me and maybe kick me out of his house but I couldn't blame him. It was just an unfortunate circumstance.

I noticed he had been acting very strange recently,he would wake up at midnight and leave the room to pick a woman's call. This went on for weeks so much that I couldn't handle it anymore and promised myself that the day he confirms my suspicions I would take my own life.

It was my 31st birthday. I rose up from my bed at midnight,and I heard a message tone from Christopher's phone. I struggled to reach his phone as a lot of thoughts flooded my mind. For all the six years that I've known Christopher on every eve of my birthday,he would stay up with me till midnight and give me a present to open. But this one had been different,he only gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to bed and that's why I finally resolved to open the text message.
 It was from a lady called Sophia. The message read:
 "sorry for the delay,definitely moving in today"

I felt like I had just witnessed a thunderbolt. So this was how Christopher decided to ruin my life. I decided that I won't give him the pleasure of seeing me run mad. I would quietly take my life.
With the whole of my body shaking,I went to the closet to get the poison I had bought few weeks ago. I quickly scribbled few words on a note pad saying ' I have nothing else to live for' . I took d poison immediately after and seconds later everything seemed blurry.

 I suddenly felt the urge to pee, I tossed and turned and finally got up only for me to see Evelyn sprawled on the floor. I saw a black bottle on a stool beside her and a note which I quickly read. Then it all dawned on me that ive made the most terrible mistake of my life.

 I took the half empty bottle from the side stool and gulped down the remaining contents. As things got blurry,I silently prayed to meet up with Evelyn wherever she was.

Just another Romeo and Juliet Story ;)
Have a joyous week people.


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