Mystery Man

As Nancy stepped into the brt bus, she felt at ease. She had been trekking for the past 17minutes in order to get to the bus stop. At her age she ought to at least have a pretty low cost and decent vehicle. But oh well, nothing comes easy. She had just nailed a job interview at an insurance company and was told to resume work the fllowing day.
She found a comfortable seat by the window and less than ten minutes later the bus was moving. Nancy noticed the person sitting next to her. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties,chocolate skinned color and a dashing suit. What caught her attention most was the hemmingway novel in his hand. She loved hemmingway and his books. Infact she had gotten an hemmingway novel 3years ago when she turned thirty and few weeks later she had lost the book. She was really devastated back then because she never got to read the book and secondly it was given to her by her father who died shortly after.

Nancy was lost in thought until the mystery man who sat close to her tapped her back to life "you like hemmingway?" he asked with a smile. By this time butterflies were already dancing in Nancy's stomah. "yes I do" she said and flashed a big smile to expose her mid gap teeth which was one of her body's best assets.

Before long they got talking about hemmingway,his works and his death. Later on they introduced one another, his name was Maxwell he was a lawyer and worked at kent chambers,she just landed a job at an insurance company,her first day at the office and they happened to share the same route to work.

This was good for Nancy,not only had she been single for a while now,she was feeling old and needed to get married before all her chances of bearing a child reduces to zero.
Regardless, one had to be careful afterall he's still a stranger on the bus. The bus got to a designated bus stop and Nancy had to get off. She said her good bye's and waived at mystery man. He waived back to her saying "see you tommorow". Nancy set off thinking in her mind why the stranger didn't ask for her number. 

Mystery man however took his phone out of his pocket and entered a text saying "M- WORK IN PROGRESS,target just got off the bus" and sent it to the recipient.

M standing for murder.  

Story continues next Sunday.
Enjoy your week.xx 


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