Sex is a beautiful thing, there is no doubt about that.

I saw a very disturbing video today of two children, a boy and a girl engaging in sexual activity in class. I was sick and disgusted to my stomach. I still am.

I have no words for the adults because all we mostly do is to talk and talk about these things with everyone but the children.

Dear Child,

I hope you are well, safe and in school.

I hope you are learning as you should.

I know you have a lot of questions with no one to answer.

You wanted to google the words on the phone but your mum had no data.

Sex is a beautiful thing, there is no doubt about that

But it has a place, a time, age and agenda.

I don’t want you to get distracted by what your friends tell you,

How they make fun of you and term you uncool.

Someday, I hope very soon, you will become the man or woman of your dreams.

You will be of the right age to take delight in the pleasures of life,

And will have loads of sex with the right person by your side.

But for now don’t let anyone touch your privates,

And please do not touch theirs.


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