
If Nigeria had a Ministry of Family Planning, the Minister would be Eseoghene.

Today was particularly a good day because I found delight in the little things. My trip to the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (during work hours lol!) resulted in me butting into the conversation of Ese and Ola. Within ten minutes of random conversations, we became ‘friends’ and what made it even more interesting was that we shared the same view on most of all the things we discussed except family planning.

Ese my friend suggested that every couple in Nigeria should have a maximum number of two or four children, I was of the opinion that people should not be restricted to a certain number of children because the fact that Mr. X cannot look after his dozen children does not mean that Mrs. Y cannot look after her half a dozen of children. Our further narrative on family planning made Ese suggest that an entire ministry be created in Nigeria for this purpose. I told her to submit her proposal because she would definitely be the Minister of the Ministry.

Ese was not Minister yet; however, she was willing to volunteer herself to educate everyone who cared to listen on the importance of family planning in this current economic climate. According to her, any parent that has more children that they can cater for should be ready to go the extra mile to look after the children without resorting into immoral acts.

I want to celebrate Ese and everyone out there who is willing to let a random stranger butt into their conversation.

P.s- I was working on the move.


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