
Showing posts from June, 2021

Sex is a beautiful thing, there is no doubt about that.

I saw a very disturbing video today of two children, a boy and a girl engaging in sexual activity in class. I was sick and disgusted to my stomach. I still am. I have no words for the adults because all we mostly do is to talk and talk about these things with everyone but the children. Dear Child, I hope you are well, safe and in school. I hope you are learning as you should. I know you have a lot of questions with no one to answer. You wanted to google the words on the phone but your mum had no data. Sex is a beautiful thing, there is no doubt about that But it has a place, a time, age and agenda. I don’t want you to get distracted by what your friends tell you, How they make fun of you and term you uncool. Someday, I hope very soon, you will become the man or woman of your dreams. You will be of the right age to take delight in the pleasures of life, And will have loads of sex with the right person by your side. But for now don’t let anyone touch your priv

F is for Found

I have a wish list and one of the items on the list is a customized eat, pray, love-key ring. For a thousand reasons, I couldn’t get one so I opted for getting a key ring with the letter F instead. Cheesy right? Yes, I agree. Cheese is good. Weirdly enough, I also could not find a letter F key ring for a long while until today. I was super excited when I saw the shiny purple coloured key ring on the counter at Celebrations, Lekki, Lagos. It almost caused for a little celebration as my dear companion Bubari who knew of this long felt desire to get a key ring with the letter F expressed her excitement for me. (Yes Bubari, I saw you shine your teeth and squeak in delight). Finally, I had what I wanted and it came in my favourite colour. This is not the end to the key ring story though because I am oddly not as excited as I should be or to better phrase it “the thrill was in the chase”. However, one key thing I learnt today was that there is nothing you want in life that is missing,


If Nigeria had a Ministry of Family Planning, the Minister would be Eseoghene. Today was particularly a good day because I found delight in the little things. My trip to the Lagos State Waste Management Authority (during work hours lol!) resulted in me butting into the conversation of Ese and Ola. Within ten minutes of random conversations, we became ‘friends’ and what made it even more interesting was that we shared the same view on most of all the things we discussed except family planning. Ese my friend suggested that every couple in Nigeria should have a maximum number of two or four children, I was of the opinion that people should not be restricted to a certain number of children because the fact that Mr. X cannot look after his dozen children does not mean that Mrs. Y cannot look after her half a dozen of children. Our further narrative on family planning made Ese suggest that an entire ministry be created in Nigeria for this purpose. I told her to submit her proposal becaus

We All Have It In Us

Oh my!!!!! I cannot believe it has been twelve whole months since I posted last. I trust we are all well and safe. Today I want to tell you something I encountered two days ago that made me really proud. A story that would not let me rest until I tell it. After a long day at work, I was in my taxi home when we noticed a car parked on the side of the highway that had started to emit smoke and was about to go up in flames. My taxi driver like other car drivers could not ignore the situation. They all drove slowly by the scene of the incident. While we were trying to make sense of the damage that was about to occur, with me particularly hoping that the car does not burn while we were driving by, we saw a group of people dashing towards the smoky car. A group of men who left their various activities to make sure that a car is saved.  I was overwhelmed by the show of affection and empathy.  We all have good in us no matter what anyone says and something in me wanted to reach out to thank th