
Showing posts from December, 2013

What Do You Think of God?

This is a topic most people are disinterested in. Infact I trust that if I was the one who saw a post like this,I would just scroll down and close the page because I feel I can predict the message. But wait,before you go and for the love of God who has kept you all through the year and even provided the device which you are using to read this post. I would employ you to let us go through this post together. Personally,I love God even though I'm not your pray every morning and night,fast for several days kind of Girl. But I discovered that my relationship with God only gets strengthened when I find myself in certain circumstances. For instance,when I'm about to write an exam,or a loved one is sick or a family member is troubled. However I want you to know that God is real. He is interested in our very own affairs,no matter how minute or ridiculous it may seem. Think of every tiny detail you may share with your friend or loved one. God is also interested in each and every of

All I Want For Xmas Is A Bouncing Castle

Weird right? Why would an adult want a bouncing castle? Well here's the gist. As a little child I had always admired bouncing castles. Maybe it was the way they were brightly colored or the fact that it was bouncy or that kids always looked so excited and funfilled whenever they were in it. As much as I loved it, I was never allowed to go into it. "Its too dangerous" my father would say,"you could get injured" my elder ones would say. "I see no reason why you should get all messy and sticky" my mother would say. I was therefore denied of this magical experience. At the age of 13 I was allowed to attend birthday parties without adult supervision and one would think this was my big break to go into a bouncy castle but no. My friends thought it was immature and ridiculous. "We are too old for that" they would say. They preffered queuing for icecream and talking about boys. No one could feel my pain. All I wanted to do was bounce. Its almost

You Never Know.

CHRISTOPER Evelyn oh Evelyn. My beautiful wife of 3 years. No woman on earth can be compared to her. Yes,not even my mother. That is why the very day we got married I vowed to her that I would never let anything come between us. No inlaw,no woman,no man. I vowed to love her till my last breath and although the few years of our marriage has been quite tough on us. I still love her and will continue to. About two years ago, Evelyn was deemed barren by a medical specialist as all efforts to enable us have children proved abortive. Ever since then her life had never been the same but we kept on believing in the miraculous power of God and that's why for her next birthday and just to prove to my unhappy wife that I'm here to stay,I decided to buy her a brand new car. One that I knew she would love because it had been her dream car for a very long time. I had it all planned out,I was going to pretend I had forgotten her birthday but as soon as she steps out of the door first thing

12 Truths After A Failure

Have you ever seen a child learn to ride a bike, or a toddler learn to walk?  They stumble and fall numerous times before getting it right.  Mistakes are learning opportunities.  It takes failure after failure to create success.  Believe you can and you are halfway there.  And never regret anything, because every little detail of your life, including your mistakes, is what made you who you are today. Here are twelve reminders to keep you motivated after a mistake or failure: 1. It’s okay.  You will be okay. – Take all the time you need to heal emotionally.  Moving on doesn’t take a day; it takes lots of little steps to be able to break free of your broken self.  Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.  Just because today is painful doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be great.  You just got to get there.  The best things usually happen when you least expect it.  So try to smile in the mean time.  Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated

Tales by Eze

My name is Eze, I'm a 30 year old man. Ild employ each and everyone of you to please read my story so that you can be my witness if I ever get arrested. I'm writing this memo at the international airport while waiting to board a plane to china where I intend to spend the rest of my life. As I mentioned earlier my name is Eze. A full blooded ibo boy from enugu. When you hear the word ibo. Three things come to your mind. Money,money and catholic church. I would like to share the story of my life with you and I hope you take your time to read,enjoy and learn a lesson or two. Before the age of 7 my parents were already dead. I was the only child of my mother at the time. My father died of a brief illness while my mother died during child labour of my younger sister who also didn't survive. Thankfully,the catholic priest in my community Father Peter was such a nice man that he took me into custody shortly after I became an orphan. I lived with him for almost 7years serving