
Showing posts from September, 2013

For my loyal readers.

What is a soul mate? Do I have one? And if so, where is mine? The idea that there is one special person created just for you is too juicy not to consider. I definitely believe in soul mates, but my definition extends beyond the traditional idea of The One. What I believe is that a soul mate is a person with whom you are unexplainably drawn to be in relationship. Soul mates are brought into your life so that you can grow and expand into the best version of yourself. Let's think about attraction for a second. We come into contact with many, many people throughout our lives. And we are attracted to some of them. But there are only a few that we are so attracted to that we make a decision to partner-up with them. Why is it that we are pulled to get into relationships with just a few people? It's because, when it comes to attraction, our unconscious is leading the way. Love is not logical; it is of the soul. And the soul knows a thing or two; it's pretty damn smart. It

To Tolani,from Kevin.

When people hear stories about you they are so quick to judge. My point is we should learn to hear both sides before rushing into conclusions. My life isn't perfect and I'm sure yours isn't aswell. I'm kevin and I'm sure uve all read tolani's journal by now. Well the truth is I didnt intend to be romantically involved with tolani. Infact I had just gotten out of a deep mess. My fiancee cheated on me with a white man,worse still I contracted HIV aids from sleeping with her. I was so devastated and filled with rage that I felt like getting my revenge. It was just a pity that tolani became my scape goat. After I had slept with her, I began to realise what a wonderful person she is, so kind,so sweet she would spend weeks at my place and even cook for me and clean. If I could come back to the world again,I would marry this woman. She was really a rare jewel. I couldn't take her to my mum because of my status and I stopped hanging out with my friends after I learn

Tolani's Journal

Its almost another year since I met Kevin. My sweet,caring and wonderful Kevin. However before I continue I would like to briefly introduce myself. My name is Tolani and I'm 23 years old. Most people say I'm pretty with a beautiful smile and most times, I tend to agree. Like most girls in the world today,I've had my share of ups and downs with men. I've broken hearts and my heart has also been terribly broken as well. Infact let me just say that I don't think anyone can survive the breakup I've been through. But I'm glad I'm strong and that's how I've been able to move on especially into the arms of the man of my dreams Kevin. I met Kevin few years back through a friend and from the moment we got to know eachother it was love at first sight. Before I knew what was going on,I was already spending fortnights at his place. Initially I thought he was a rebound for me but soon I realised that our destiny was tied to eachother. We are always there for

You Get What You Deserve.

The Mistress I'm at a pastors funeral and friends and family are gathered. I'm certainly not family neither am I a friend. Even though I didn't see this one coming well I guess in the end you get what you deserve. I heard the pastor committed suicide the same day he preached. Well, I suppose I should know better after he committed adultery with me and even made me abort the pregnancy I had for him. I was terribly hurt about what he did to me so much that I felt the only way to get my revenge was to cast a spell on him through a native doctor and render him impotent. I wanted him to suffer for the rest of his life but since he decided to end it so quickly I hope he continues to burn in hell. Maybe,just maybe if he had begged for. forgiveness I might have lifted the curse but he has laid his bed and he is certainly lying on it now. The Wife The officiating minister continues to talk about my husband's death. I'm sad yet I'm glad,gloomy yet happy. I'm sure


When pedestrians see you riding a fancy car,most of them wish they are in your shoes little do they know that I'm willing to give it all up just to be happy. That is why money never buys happiness. For the past 25years things have seemed great. Beautiful family,lovely wife and children. I've achieved a lot but I'm not proud to call myself a man. In the past six years I've not been able to perform sexually. I've been medically declared abroad as impotent and my status can't make me confide in anyone. . Does anyone even have the idea of what it feels to spend almost every night with their wife and not be able to perform? For a man its like becoming barren and powerless,it strips you of everything that makes you a man. I try so hard and it hurts my wife so much that she starts to rain abuses on me and naturally I loose control and give her the beating of her life even when I know my children are aware of how I maltreat her. Perhaps that's why she insisted on s