This Valentine: I must receive gifts!!

It was a couple of weeks ago when I blurted out to Bubari that I haven’t received valentine’s gift from “lovers” or “crushers” in years. Bubari is my amazing sister sister, friend, yellow paw paw wakabout colleague and she is one of those people that gets the gist straight away. She asks me what I want and I said “Jewellery from Tiffany’s and White Lilies”. I take it a step further by posting pictures of what I want on WhatsApp. Some people got the gist some did not.

I am working late tonight and tell Bubari that we should throw a party for those of us who don’t get asked out on Monday night. Karoke in the conference room with fries, fish and white wine. She immediately agrees that it is a splendid idea but shortly after says “Funke, I just want you to know that if I get asked out, I won’t be attending the conference room hangout” we both burst out in laughter and I think about how pathetic it must be that just so you don’t feel alone you throw a party at the office to dance away the pain.

Now a rebuttal here is that I have fantastic people in my life including lovers and crushers who have gone above and beyond to make me really happy and buy me some of the finest things in life. It just happens that on Valentine’s Day (for the past 4 years) I haven’t gotten anything special except the “consolation” gifts you get from your employer, colleagues or girlfriends.

This Valentine: I must receive gifts. How that is going to happen, I don’t know yet, and if I don’t receive any, I am happy that I dared to be vulnerable, to speak my truth, to let people know that it feels quite shxxxy to answer a strange call on Val’s day and discover that your caller is not a dispatch rider/delivery man bearing gifts, to let my readers know that it is completely fine to laugh at yourself and that whether the story changes or not, you are already okay.

P.S- I smiled all through while writing this story.


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