Tale of a Black Blouse on a Black Friday.

Guys, I have always wanted to tell this story but just couldn’t find the perfect title or explanation for it. I have however decided to tell it once and for all and believe me this is a true story.

Despite growing up the orthodox way, my mum caught up with the Pentecostal wave of worship. This led us to weekly visits to a beautiful Pentecostal church. The pastor was not only handsome but a very funny man. His wife was equally beautiful and they were family to us. The only thing that I looked forward to during the weekly visits were the funny stories the pastor told during his sermon. Every other thing; the long car ride from Magodo to Iju every Tuesday, the traffic, staring out the window, hearing my mum yell at the driver for not looking out for other cars, hours of cursing our enemies, with our eyes shut and head going left and right like a pendulum and the long sunny and traffic jam ride back to the house was simply pure torture to me. All I wanted back then was to stay back at home and watch my sweet sixteen or pimp my ride on MTV base.

All of this changed when my mum bought me the most beautiful black blouse I had ever had. As a way of showing off, I decided I was going to wear it to the weekly program the next week. Lo and behold I did wear it one Tuesday, except we never made it to church. For one reason or the other, we couldn’t make it that day. My mum was very upset to say the least. My siblings and I were relieved, we had one more week of fun.

Then came the next week, I chose to wear my black blouse again since I didn’t have the chance to the previous week but the same thing happened. The car broke down or the driver couldn’t make. I  realised my black blouse had a role to play and just to convince myself that I was not losing my mind I decided that the coming week, I will wear something else, which I did. 

My dear brothers and sisters we made it to church but it was the most exciting Tuesday service for me. I realised that my black blouse possessed powers. It was so powerful that it could stop us from attending church. I mentioned this to my younger ones and they were super excited, they constantly begged me to wear this blouse. I felt powerful, on top of the world to say the least. And yes each and every time I wore that blouse during the holidays, we never made it to church.

Many years have passed from that moment till now and I wonder if truly there was something about that blouse or if it was just pure coincidence. Till today, I will never know except maybe I wear it one last time. Yes, I still have that blouse folded neatly in my dresser of over 10 years ago.

P.S- How about selling it for a discount since its Black Friday? Let me know if you will buy it.



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