Instagram and White Lies


In the spirit of turning a year older, I decided to make some changes in my social life. I activated my Instagram account and unconsciously started telling lies. No, not lies on Instagram. I will get to that later.

Truth is when my fellow Nigerian millennials started to jump on the bandwagon of Insta years ago, I was preoccupied with other things that mattered more to me- dealing with the loss of life as I used to know it. And over the years, even as things got better, I decided not to join the social media parade but to live and lead a quiet and peaceful life.

A lot of people could not fathom why I seemed anti-social, I could not fathom how people had so much time to check out who just bought a new car, got married or moved to Canada. But as I turned a year older, my dad talked me into setting up one. The only problem is, I did not and still do not know how it works. Well, that’s half the truth. I know how to search for people and respond to dm’s but that’s about it. It is quite embarrassing to say but I need a social media coach.

Now back to telling lies.

You see, I like to think I am a very honest person. I will rather not lie. I like to tell the truth no matter what happens. But lately, and I mean 4 days ago, I realised that telling white lies can be so convenient and easy particularly when you feel really justified telling it.

A classic example- I was at the supermarket earlier on, and a lady who looked like she was in her early 20’s approached me and said “hello can you please like a post for me on Instagram?” My head started to run numbers and I couldn't believe my ears. In a second, I looked at this lady wondering, you don’t even know me, why should I like your post, I don’t even know what the post is about, I don’t even know you, what if I don’t want to like your post? In answering all the questions in my head, I made it easy for her and said “I don’t have an Instagram account” and I walked away. The lady obviously couldn't believe her eyes.

Should I have told her the truth? I miss the old days of not having an account and not having to lie about it.

P.s- To all those who sent me birthday wishes, may you get a special gift this year xx


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