Pieces of a giant puzzle


The end of this article will conclude that we are pieces of a giant puzzle known as the universe.

The middle will talk about how we need to realise that we all complete each other. My imperfections complement yours and vice versa and that is why I will give you the money I made from babysitting for you to make me up and you will use that money to pay your mechanic who will use that money to buy his son a school sandal, the son who will later become president because he used his talent to win the people over and the people (musicians, bankers, doctors, footballers, jewellers, consultants, carpenters, traders a traders and engineers) will always put their money where their mouth is.

The beginning will talk about how if we really consider it, our existence will never make sense if we were all the same shapes and sizes i.e., if we had the same physical and mental attributes, mannerisms, characteristics and ideologies. The difference of puzzle pieces is what helps solve the puzzle. It is when we realise this that we can leave what is less important and take giant strides by leveraging on each other’s strengths. This is how we come to terms with the fact that that we are exactly the way we are meant to be.

I will now leave you to fit the pieces of these puzzled paragraphs.

I am thankful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!



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