
Showing posts from November, 2021

Tale of a Black Blouse on a Black Friday.

Guys, I have always wanted to tell this story but just couldn’t find the perfect title or explanation for it. I have however decided to tell it once and for all and believe me this is a true story. Despite growing up the orthodox way, my mum caught up with the Pentecostal wave of worship. This led us to weekly visits to a beautiful Pentecostal church. The pastor was not only handsome but a very funny man. His wife was equally beautiful and they were family to us. The only thing that I looked forward to during the weekly visits were the funny stories the pastor told during his sermon. Every other thing; the long car ride from Magodo to Iju every Tuesday, the traffic, staring out the window, hearing my mum yell at the driver for not looking out for other cars, hours of cursing our enemies, with our eyes shut and head going left and right like a pendulum and the long sunny and traffic jam ride back to the house was simply pure torture to me. All I wanted back then was to stay back at home

Pieces of a giant puzzle

  The end of this article will conclude that we are pieces of a giant puzzle known as the universe. The middle will talk about how we need to realise that we all complete each other. My imperfection s complement yours and vice versa and that is why I will give you the money I made from babysitting for you to make me up and you will use that money to pay your mechanic who will use that money to buy his son a school sandal, the son who will later become president because he used his talent to win the people over and the people (musicians, bankers, doctors, footballers, jewellers, consultants, carpenters, traders a traders and engineers) will always put their money where their mouth is. The beginning will talk about how if we really consider it, our existence will never make sense if we were all the same shapes and size s i.e., if we had the same physical and mental attributes, mannerisms, characteristics and ideologies. The difference of puzzle pieces is what helps solve the puzz

Instagram and White Lies

  In the spirit of turning a year older, I decided to make some changes in my social life. I activated my Instagram account and unconsciously started telling lies. No, not lies on Instagram. I will get to that later. Truth is when my fellow Nigerian millennials started to jump on the bandwagon of Insta years ago, I was preoccupied with other things that mattered more to me- dealing with the loss of life as I used to know it. And over the years, even as things got better, I decided not to join the social media parade but to live and lead a quiet and peaceful life. A lot of people could not fathom why I seemed anti-social, I could not fathom how people had so much time to check out who just bought a new car, got married or moved to Canada. But as I turned a year older, my dad talked me into setting up one. The only problem is, I did not and still do not know how it works. Well, that’s half the truth. I know how to search for people and respond to dm’s but that’s about it. It is quite