You see, much of this life is about waiting and hoping, waiting and hoping, waiting and hoping. I wonder what God thinks; He has given us tools in our hands. Cutlasses, shovels and hoes to dig and find treasures. We are here standing on a giant farmland and waiting. Waiting for the sun to shine more, for it to rain more, for the pests to die, waiting to be in the right mood before we start digging and planting. Yet we want harvests, we are so hungry and impatient, we wonder why they wouldn’t just appear: we forget that we have our part to play and the right instruments have been placed in our hands.

You see, God is not an unjust or wicked father. He has blessed each and every one of us with resources to succeed but we fail to recognize these blessings and start doing something about what he has given us. It is time to start digging, planting and then harvesting.

In life there are two kinds of people; the Spectators and the Players. Decide that you are not going to sit idly and watch someone else but that you’re going to be a player. That you are going to let your light shine bright. That you’re not going to spend time fulfilling  someone else’s dream, building someone else’s business, watching someone else’s movies, watching someone else’s show, reading someone else’s book or talking about someone else more than you spend and invest on yourself. Decide that you would do what you love and be excellent at it, that you would fulfil destiny. That you will channel all your concerns, frustrations, resentment, bitterness, sorrow and pain into creating something beautiful and meaningful with your life which will create memories that would last forever.

With God on your side, decide today that you would live an amazing, blessed and beautiful life!

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  1. You're right Fadeke. God has given us all we need to create whatever we desire. We just have to take responsibility.

  2. Well said, Fadeke. However, you may not always blame humans, we lack the ability to see beyond our nose. This is both a blessing and our curse to bear. As a curse, no one wants to work on a project through life only to find out they've been working on the wrong one, or climb a ladder so high, only to find out that they've been climbing the wrong one. This is why people are vulnerable to and actually seek out prophesies or search out the unknown by all means.
    The positive is that, ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the less you're likely to have worries or be stalled in life. And it this ignorance or innocence that Jesus appreciates in little children, such that he admonished us to be just like them.

    That said, some people are mostly thinkers, so, often they think things to their wits end, till they are paralysed from doing anything. They don't want to have climbed up the wrong ladder, or respond to a question with an intense but wrong answer. So what do they do? They wait. They wait for a sign, for a calling, for an inspiration which indicates that 'this is it'.
    Some get it before they even move, but some never do, while some get it while doing.
    I think the most important thing is just to keep doing until you find yourself, and if you never do, maybe you're destined never to.
    As God asked 'Moses!! What is in your hand?', that may be an indication of how he expects us to operate.


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