Did you know that understanding your personality would help you better in your relationships with others either at home, work, school, place of worship and most importantly marriage? Below are the four major temperaments that have been discovered. Identify yours, know your strength and weakness and how to cope with others with different personalities.

The four temperaments were conceptualised many years ago in one of the oldest known systems of personality types. People were categorised by their mood. Here are the four temperaments/personality types :Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, and Melancholic.

People with sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have a high risk tolerance. Typically, Sanguine people are very poor at tolerating boredom and will seek variety and entertainment. Needless to say, this trait may sometimes negatively affect their romantic relationships. Because this temperament is prone to pleasure-seeking behaviors, many people with sanguine personality are likely to struggle with addictions. Their constant cravings may lead to overeating and weight problems.

These people are very creative and may become great artists. In addition, they are fantastic entertainers and will naturally do well if they choose careers in entertainment industry. Their natural abilities will also serve them well if they choose jobs related to.
  • marketing,
  • travel,
  • fashion,
  • cooking,
  • or sports.
Someone with phlegmatic personality type is usually a people person. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships. Phlegmatic people are loyal spouses and loving parents. They preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. People with phlegmatic temperament tend to avoid conflicts and always try to mediate between others to restore peace and harmony.

They are very much into charity and helping others. Ideal careers for phlegmatic personality types should be related to:
  • nursing,
  • teaching,
  • psychology or counselling,
  • child development,
  • or social services.

Someone with pure choleric temperament is usually a goal-oriented person. People with choleric personality type are very savvy, analytical, and logical. Extremely practical and straightforward, choleric people aren’t necessary very good companions or particularly social. They dislike small talk and enjoy deep and meaningful conversations. They would rather be alone than in company of shallow, superficial people. Ideally, they want to spend time with people who have similar professional interests.

Ideal jobs for choleric personality type are related to the following industries:
  • management,
  • technology,
  • statistics,
  • engineering,
  • programming,
  • business.

People with melancholic personality type love traditions. Women cook for men; men open doors for women. They love their families and friends and, unlike sanguine temperament, do not look for novelty and adventure. In fact, they avoid it at all costs. Someone with melancholic temperament is very unlikely to marry a foreigner or leave their homeland for another country. They are very social and seek to contribute to the community. Being extremely orderly and accurate, melancholic people are fantastic people managers. Perfect careers for melancholic personality type should be in:
  • management,
  • accounting,
  • social work,
  • or administration.

Now that we’ve briefly described the four major types of temperament/personality types, below are personality matches that would give deeper understanding of the relationship between partners and friends.

These people are polar opposites and typically not attracted to each other. However, opposites attract, (as the old saying goes) and when they do, this particular partnership can be very effective. If impulsive and adventurous Sanguine decides that he or she wants to create a home and/or a family, he or she can be attracted by the loyal and traditional Melancholic. Also, from a Sanguine point of view, there is a possibility of having some fun when amusing and teasing the Melancholic, which the Sanguine will often find rather interesting.

As for calm and cautious Melancholic, he (or she) may enjoy the vitality, energy and buoyant spirit of his or her Sanguine partner. He or she will enjoy listening to the Sanguine describing ideas, as well as like his or her playful sexuality.
However this partnership is likely to face problems. The Melancholic will try to push the Sanguine adventurer to settle down, find a stable job, get into routine. Melancholics tend to be moral and responsible, while Sanguine people often don’t give much respect to rules and traditions. The Melancholic may find Sanguine’s disregard to the regulations and guidelines of the society reckless and ungracious in nature, while at the same time, the Sanguine will grow irritated by the Melancholic trying to restrict his or her freedom.
Another source of tension within this relationship will often stem from their opposite traits of character – Melancholic sees himself as persistent, while Sanguine will regard this attribute as stubbornness. Generally, the Sanguine is willing to apply his or her creativity and try the untested ways of doing things, but the Melancholic will think that this is both irresponsible and unrealistic.
Another thing that may cause a problem within this partnership is that they are likely to have disputes about money – the Melancholic will want to save what the Sanguine will want to spend for fun, pleasure and entertainment. Despite the differences these personalities may endure, they can be used to their advantage. Working with and alongside their partner’s opposite traits will often prove to keep life in a pretty stable and working balance. The Melancholic will work to build a home, a family and a future, while optimistic Sanguine will be appreciative to the loyalty of their opposite partner and will discard the frustration of hoping for better days.

Sanguine people have many interests and they often crave for novelty and adventure. They love to learn and are energetic, daring, and flexible and have a high interest in sex. This is why when two persons with Sanguine temperament pair up, they will more than likely do many interests together. They view money as means to fulfil their dreams, so they are unlikely to argue about it. Instead, they will surprise each other with original gifts.

These people are highly adaptive and flexible. Usually they don’t bother by following schedules or rules of doing things Moreover, both are optimists and tend to look at the bright side of life; minimizing the importance of serious issues, which helps keeping their spirits up when passing through difficult times and situations.

Despite the fact that sanguine people have a high degree of mutual attraction, they still are likely to have problems. This is mainly because they prefer to avoid serious discussions leaving the problems unresolved. They also tend to lose intimacy within the relationship because each of them is highly independent and needs autonomy, even from a beloved partner. Additionally to that, most of them are terrible flirts and might get sexually involved with other people.

Sanguine and Phlegmatic people are generally attracted to each other. Still, these two temperaments often fall in love with each other/become friends and when they do, they make a very interesting couple due to the creativeness of the Sanguine personality and imagination of Phlegmatic partner. Both of these temperaments are verbally skilled – Sanguine person will express himself or herself spontaneously, while phlegmatic partner finds the right words to describe his or her feelings. They are both optimists and they are also flexible and open-minded. This personalities may have differences because of the Sanguine’s desperate need for independence. The Phlegmatic partner will want genuine closeness and a connection that sometimes, will not be completely understood by their Sanguine partner. As a result, the Phlegmatic will feel lonely and abandoned, and the Sanguine will feel smothered by the constant throw of emotions. Similarly, the desire to completely analyse every moment, discussion and action from the side of the Phlegmatic will drive the Sanguine completely bonkers. From another side, the Phlegmatic partner may want to discuss feelings and emotions, but the Sanguine person is extrovert and has no desire for such intimate discussions. As a result, Phlegmatic may decide that his or her Sanguine partner is shallow.

When talking about the personality compatibility of Phlegmatic and Sanguine partnerships, there is another interesting point that it is important to mention – Phlegmatic people may go to great lengths to please and nurture their partners but sadly, Sanguine people sometimes do not appreciate this, and in some cases may even find their Phlegmatic partners weak, needy and spineless.
However, both of them have traits that help them survive the troubled times – phlegmatic’s need for harmony and tolerance of sanguine. Because of these qualities and because of their flexibility, they may stay positive about each other for years.
As a general rule, the Sanguine and Choleric personalities will not usually find each other very attractive, however if they manage to become friends or fall in love, the union can be a very strong and bonding one indeed!

Their conversations will be interesting because both are very intellectual personalities. The Sanguine person will have broader interests while the Choleric person will master fewer topics, but his or her knowledge within these limited topics are deeper. Both of them will look at each other with admiration – the Sanguine will admire analytical and rational mind of the Choleric, and the choleric will admire curiosity and width of knowledge of the Sanguine.

Both of these personalities will require a high degree of autonomy and independence. They are both self-sufficient and to top this off, they are both busy with plenty of stuff going on for them outside of the relationship. This is perhaps why none of them will be too demanding, controlling or unreasonably jealous in any given situation.

Their different ways of interaction with the outside word also will not create any problems, simply because both of them can admire the traits of the other. For example, the Choleric is often straightforward and can even be insensitive in some cases. All he or she cares about is to getting to the point in the shortest way possible. Sanguine people are adaptive, like chameleons, adjusting themselves to what needs different circumstances at hand will require from them. Still, the Sanguine will admire the candor of the Choleric while the Choleric will love the ease with which Sanguine communicates with other people.

They still might face some problems because the Sanguine is optimistic while Choleric tends to be skeptical; sometimes the sanguine will see the Choleric cold and cynical, while the Choleric will think that the Sanguine is taking unnecessary risks due to his or her impulsiveness.
Although both are competitive, they have very different approaches to the competition. While Cholerics tend to be very ambitious; highly focused on the goal and openly aggressive, the Sanguine is more relaxed and wants to enjoy his or her multiple interests. As a result, Choleric partners may see the Sanguine as lazy, and regard some of his or her playful activities as silly, while the Sanguine might decide that the Choleric is just a bore.

Initially, Phlegmatics are not actually attracted to each other. Nevertheless, if they do become friends or fall in love, in the end you will find that most of their dreams are likely to come true. Between all different types of personality, Phlegmatic people are the least rational. They are often unrealistic about love and relationships, and many of them are looking for the ideal mate; preferring to stay alone than settle for anything less than perfect. They are out there to search for a meaningful relationship with a deep emotional connection, the meaning of which is not even clear to some other personality types, such as the Sanguine and the Choleric. These people have great communication skills! Phlegmatic partners are likely to often talk about their feelings, their relationship, their hopes, and their disappointments as well as talking about each other and themselves. They will apply their intuition by trying to read messages from the slightest of facial expressions, body language signs, tone of voice and unguarded reactions.

One of their common problems is that they don’t give each other enough space, which will end up with one or both partners rather irritated because of the constant suffocation. The relationship becomes psychologically heavy, and in the end, may actually break under its own weight. Another potential problem that this personalities is likely to face is that Phlegmatic people tend to take a rather long time when it comes to making up their minds. When they face difficulties they can’t stand the idea of direct confrontation to solve the problem and instead, they would rather gossip behind each other’s back. Instead of acting they ruminate but on the plus side, this won’t go on forever. In some cases, they will get so disappointed and disillusioned by their partner, they will be able to overcome the anxiety and fear of conflict, and go on with their life to seek for their dream mate.

Phlegmatic- Choleric
Their problem solving skills are a good example of how opposites attract – with their web thinking, Phlegmatic people tend to ruminate about the issue at hand, but never solve it. They see it from so many different angles, and can think of so many facets of the problem, that they just never get to resolving it. From completely other side of the spectrum, Choleric people are fast at making decisions, but are likely to do that skipping over the secondary data altogether. Together, however, Choleric and Phlegmatic together prove to be a very effective team because they have these complementary qualities.

The same applies with their social skills! Between all types of personality, Choleric people are the least compassionate. They are emotionally contained and may be even blunt. Phlegmatic partners, however, with their empathy, emotional expressiveness and drive to please others will smooth that away. It would seem that they both admire each other for these differences and will mean that their conversations will always be interesting. The Choleric will impress the Phlegmatic by the depth of his or her knowledge of a particular subject, while the Phlegmatic will blow the Choleric away by his or her ability to see “the bigger picture”.

Phlegmatic people, who always try to read people, will have enjoyable experience to decipher their Choleric partners – it is so easy! Choleric people will love the warmth of Phlegmatic partners; their acceptance and compassion. Phlegmatic people will admire the Choleric person for his or her ability to act freely and independently. Choleric will pay his respects also by admiring the amiability of the Phlegmatic partner.

Sure enough, the problems could arise even here. Choleric people are emotionally contained – their ideal is to be logic and efficient. They don’t confess love very often and this could disappoint sentimental Phlegmatic partners who will try to interpret the Choleric behavior and always end up interpreting it wrongly. By thinking that the connection is lost, they start to feel unloved or unnoticed. However the Choleric partners will begin to feel as if they have been completely misunderstood. Choleric people admire self-control. If the Phlegmatic partner starts to overreact, becoming a drama queen (be it man or woman), the Choleric partner will get seriously annoyed and become even more unavailable that he or she already seemed to be.

Nevertheless, the personality compatibility is great here and these two could make an exciting match if they manage to overcome their difficulties.

Phlegmatic and Melancholic people have many differences in how they feel and how they view the world, but these differences could become their biggest advantages, and although there is no natural attraction between these two personality types, they often fall in love, get married and live happily ever after!

Phlegmatic people often get lost in the big picture, because they see the issue from so many different angles. This quality results in a procrastinating habit, when they just keep ruminating about the problem at hand, and never get around to actually trying to resolve it. However, concrete-thinking Melancholics evaluate any problems carefully, and set a deadline for getting things done. In the Phlegmatic-Melancholic pair, this Melancholic trait provides a sense of security for the Phlegmatic partner, resulting in a partnership that actually works very well together. On the other hand, the enthusiastic and optimistic Phlegmatic will be like a breath of fresh air to the Melancholic. The Phlegmatic partner will energize his or her calm partner, and bring new ideas for their partnership.

Both personalities are striving to build a strong and stable relationship. Despite the fact that the Melancholic is less emotionally expressive, and won’t appreciate the depth of connection that Phlegmatic is trying to make, they will admire the emotional depth and loyalty of the Phlegmatic partner. Both types are caring and nurturing by nature, although Phlegmatic will be often more sensitive to the needs of his or her mate. Both are organized and orderly and they will enjoy planning for their future together. Both are likely to be attentive to their children, and although the Melancholic will tend to be stricter when trying to implement rules and schedules, the Phlegmatic will show a more loving and sensitive side, bringing about a “Good Cop, Bad Cop” routine that works in harmony.

These two types have similar feelings about belonging to society – both are eager to help others, the only difference being that the Phlegmatic will tend to be more compassionate to the individuals, while the Melancholic concentrates on the idea of supporting the community as a whole.

Choleric- Choleric
Initially, Choleric men and women are not drawn to each other, but there is no dislike either. There is a slight difference between men and women – where Choleric males feel a little more positive about Choleric females than vice-versa. Nevertheless, they can fall in love and when they do, they thrill each other. Choleric people are very savvy and they like someone who is equally competent and focused and they will also enjoy talking about common interests. Both are analytical and logical and have a “facts and only facts” kind of approach. They are straightforward people and always say what they mean, with a shared love of debates, which in turn means that they will appreciate each other for being informed and direct. This personality type is the most emotionally contained type between all of the types. Other people might perceive them as cold and detached but the truth is that Cholerics simply believe they need to solve their issues without emotions getting in the way. If they don’t display their emotions in public, this doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings and emotions. Another Choleric person understands that behind this tough exterior boil real feelings, emotions and needs. The most beautiful thing about their relationship is that they know that when they say “I love you” they mean it, with no need for second-guessing. Choleric people are decisive without being impulsive and they always analyze the situation first, then they take an action with all aspects taken into consideration. They will admire each other for their decision making skills and this will prove to be where they get along the best.

Choleric people are not conventional and they will not drag each other to social events they find silly or boring. Both will prefer to spend their time in the company of like-minded friends, where they will enjoy intellectual conversations, the odd movie together, or a short vacation, as long as it doesn’t interfere with their work.

They understand each other’s ambitiousness and desire to get on the top of their field. Both understand that this takes time and commitment, and give their partner enough space and independence to do so.

This pair are usually not attracted to each other. In fact, both sides tend to avoid each other and dislike each other’s approach to life. Sure, sometimes they still fall in love with each other and marry, or become friends but in this case they will be attracted to each other for other reasons than natural personality compatibility. It could be because they live nearby, or the timing is right etc.

They have complementary social skills, so it’s not all opposites do not attract – the Choleric is straightforward, while the Melancholic is very conventional. If they can respect each other’s style, they can probably make a great team. However, there is a danger that sometimes the Melancholic will be annoyed by the “rudeness” of the Choleric, and the Choleric will be irritated by the “superficial talk” of the Melancholic. Melancholic people are very social and they always feel the need to belong to a community of some description. They nurse their connections with others and need to be a part of something “bigger”. As for Choleric people, they couldn’t care less. They prefer to have just few close friends who are useful to their career. Again, if they learn to respect these differences, this could work out very well for both. The Melancholic could broaden the social circle of the Choleric, while the Choleric could introduce a few dedicated friends to the Melancholic, whom, in turn, could provide him or her with the sense of “belonging” that they so crave.

Still, the Melancholic is likely to plan for parties and outings that the Choleric hates to attend, then he or she would feel abandoned when the Choleric doesn’t show up or arrives late. Meanwhile, Choleric’s feel pressured to participate in activities he or she regards as silly, usually ending in some sort of fight.
Their different interests could become another source of tension. While the Choleric pursues many hobbies and work interests, the Melancholic will live in a relaxed, social world and if the relationship is good, the variety of the Choleric’s interests will make the experience of the Melancholic more intellectual. However, if the relationship is bitter-sweet, the Choleric will pursue his or her interests alone, leaving the Melancholic to feel abandoned and unloved.
Both are loyal and are ready to work for maintaining the relationship. However, their motivation is different – the Melancholic wants to maintain his or her respect within the community, while the Choleric wants to avoid financial disruptions of the divorce. From another side, social charms of the Melancholic will have a calming effect on the Choleric. Also, the Choleric type is inventive, while the Melancholic type has excellent managerial skills. The bottom line is that while natural personality compatibility is not present, still there are some complementary traits. If these traits are combined and mutual respect is present, they could achieve a great happiness with each other.

Melancholic people are naturally compatible. These couples are most likely to fall in love and marry and at the same time, they are also least likely to divorce. Read on to find out more about the Melancholic-Melancholic match and what you can expect from two Melancholics in a relationship together.

Melancholics are attracted to their own type far more than to any other personality type. This is a naturally compatible match and they are most likely to be happy in marriage, and least likely to divorce. Both partners are calm and relaxed and love to be social – they like bringing people together, which gives them a feeling that they are building a community. Working together, two Melancholics will be very effective and are likely to have a lot of close friends. These people are not impulsive about anything. They learned from past mistakes, and feel the need to prepare for the future. Security is on the top of their priority list – both will save money and when they need to spend, they will do so carefully Melancholic men and women are traditional and loyal. Two Melancholics will have shared values that they understand and respect and both will be devoted to the family, and will maintain family stability and security almost at any cost. They are patient people and even if they have some differences, they will be able to overlook them in order to follow the rules and make their partnership work. They don’t get bored easily, which helps them to be faithful to each other.

Despite their positives, both have fixed ideas of right and wrong ways of doing things. This makes them susceptible to arguing about such trivial matters, like how to mop the floor and cook food. This can be especially true when they grow old together or come into the partnership later on, where they will both be very set in their ways. Generally, two Melancholics have a great natural personality compatibility and are likely to be very happy with each other, with loving relationships that really do stand the test of time!

There you have it!!! Hope you figured your temperament/personality type? Use this knowledge to your advantage as you take on the world this brand new week. Cheers!!!!!!



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