
Showing posts from August, 2018


You see, much of this life is about waiting and hoping, waiting and hoping, waiting and hoping. I wonder what God thinks; He has given us tools in our hands. Cutlasses, shovels and hoes to dig and find treasures. We are here standing on a giant farmland and waiting. Waiting for the sun to shine more, for it to rain more, for the pests to die, waiting to be in the right mood before we start digging and planting. Yet we want harvests, we are so hungry and impatient, we wonder why they wouldn’t just appear: we forget that we have our part to play and the right instruments have been placed in our hands. You see, God is not an unjust or wicked father. He has blessed each and every one of us with resources to succeed but we fail to recognize these blessings and start doing something about what he has given us. It is time to start digging, planting and then harvesting. In life there are two kinds of people; the Spectators and the Players. Decide that you are not going to sit idly and


"I've fooled a lot of people in my life. Not one, not twice, not thrice. Initially it was a mistake, again another mistake, then it became an art, it became fun. But who am I really fooling? Aren't I the greatest fool for being foolish with the idea I seem to have embraced that it's easier to make people think what it's not than what it is. I seldom like that, but then again, if I didn't I won't be a fool."  Author: Fadeke Alabi 26/08/2018 All rights reserved. No part of the publications on this blog may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author.


Did you know that understanding your personality would help you better in your relationships with others either at home, work, school, place of worship and most importantly marriage? Below are the four major temperaments that have been discovered. Identify yours, know your strength and weakness and how to cope with others with different personalities. The four temperaments were conceptualised many years ago in one of the oldest known systems of personality types. People were categorised by their mood. Here are the four temperaments/personality types : Sanguine , Phlegmatic , Choleric , and Melancholic . Sanguine People with sanguine personality type tend to be lively, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree. They love adventure and have a high risk tolerance . Typically, Sanguine people are very poor at tolerating boredom and will seek variety and entertainment. Needless to say, this trait may sometimes negatively affect their romantic relationships. Because this temperament is p


As she removed the peels from a bunch of bananas she had brought in with her dirty and crooked fingers, the mad woman stared deeply into Moni’s eyes smiling “You should name your child ovie” she said and started to laugh hysterically. Moni couldn’t believe her ears. It was bad enough that she had been held captive by a crazy lady who wouldn’t let her go and now the crazy lady who didn’t know she had no children was telling her what to name her child. But who was she to judge what she said, after all she was also mad to have come on such a stupid and reckless journey without thinking twice and in that instant Moni learnt a new lesson; that everyone in life was mad, we only had varying degrees of madness. Moni sat on the damp bed clenching her pant suit to her thighs while the mad woman like a mother dotting on her wounded child cut a piece of her ragged clothing and tied it round Moni’s feet to reduce the bleeding that had been caused by the nail. After ensuring that the feet was n