It was still dark when Moni opened her eyes. She lay still on the bed as she recounted the events of the horrible nightmare she had just woken up from. She was glad to be alive and thought of how stupid she must have been to have thought of running away from everything all because of a man. Tears started to stream down her eyes as she thought of her husband George and how he had ruined the life had built with him for the past fifteen years. How she sacrificed everything she had to make him happy including getting married to him at the prime age of 23.

They started dating shortly after her 19th birthday and she had had four abortions for him in the space of five years. They got married when she turned 23 and he turned 29. Her parents were vehemently opposed to the marriage but she still went ahead and married him without their approval. Soon after they got married, life became hard, she couldn’t get a good job and George was getting barely paid enough to take care of both of them. She got pregnant for the fifth time, but they thought it was best to get rid of the baby until they were financially stable. Years after, things started to get better for them. George had gotten a job at a multinational company while she became a business consultant with a very huge consulting firm. They had all they needed and were ready to start having children but she couldn’t get pregnant. They tried everything they could but all to no avail. The bastard had vowed not to leave her no matter what until she found out on her 35th birthday that he had two sons with another woman.

The tears continued to flow from her eyes. She thought of her parents whom she hadn’t spoken to in the past twelve years. She had no one to turn to, she was broken and shattered. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to see if she could catch more sleep. It wasn’t up to ten seconds when a splash of cold water suddenly hit her face. Moni jolted up petrified and in shock as she saw the familiar face of the mad woman who had pointed a gun at her in her dream. This time around she was naked, holding a lamp and smiling at Moni. At that point Moni knew it wasn’t a dream after all.

Story continues nextweek.

Shoutout to my friend who successfully hiked the third tallest mountain in Oregon.


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