How much do you have saved up?

The title of this post is a rhetorical question. And no, I don't mean your earth account. I mean your heaven account. You see, people die daily.  We are humans, we all surely have an end. While on earth, we save a lot of money to acquire properties, take care of ourselves, our children, our parents, our siblings etc. But we've heard the popular saying that you never see a u-haule attached to a hearse. Nobody is going to take anything out of this world and when we do get to heaven, the only thing we would have to ourselves and name are the heavenly  investments we made while on earth. 

The holy book, the bible says that we should lay up treasures in heaven. Start saving in your heaven account today. The only chance is now. Help those who have no way of paying you back in return. Do a kind deed, make someone's life better by your words, deeds and resources and not only would you be making the world a better place, you would be having great rewards in your heaven account that would last you through eternity.  

Wishing you a peace filled July. ‎ ‎


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