
Showing posts from July, 2018


The whole shed smelt of urine and goat faeces. She wanted to puke but controlled herself. It had only been few hours since she realized that she hadn’t been dreaming and had been held captive by a mad woman. She also discovered that the “mattress” she had been sitting comfortably on in a shed with moth infested walls were nothing but a stack of bamboo leaves piled on top of a huge foam that looked more like a big and swollen decayed bread rather than a foam. Ever since the cold water hit her face, she had remained in the same position without uttering a word. She had learnt a lot in life but no one had ever told her how to be around a mad person. Every idea of escape kept bouncing back as soon as moni realized she was locked up in the same room with a mad woman. What if she was attacked? What if she was killed? The if’s kept ringing in her head each time she thought of how to escape. As minutes turned to hours, the crazy lady kept going in and coming out of the abandoned shed


It was still dark when Moni opened her eyes. She lay still on the bed as she recounted the events of the horrible nightmare she had just woken up from. She was glad to be alive and thought of how stupid she must have been to have thought of running away from everything all because of a man. Tears started to stream down her eyes as she thought of her husband George and how he had ruined the life had built with him for the past fifteen years. How she sacrificed everything she had to make him happy including getting married to him at the prime age of 23. They started dating shortly after her 19 th birthday and she had had four abortions for him in the space of five years. They got married when she turned 23 and he turned 29. Her parents were vehemently opposed to the marriage but she still went ahead and married him without their approval. Soon after they got married, life became hard, she couldn’t get a good job and George was getting barely paid enough to take care of both of them.


Moni got into her car without thinking twice. Her hands were shaking and unsteady as she inserted the keys into the ignition. She wanted to scream and cry but something told her to drive off. She couldn't yell in the car park of the multinational company that had just fired her and certainly she couldn't go home. She had no home anymore. Not after she discovered the previous night that her husband had birthed two children with another woman while she had been waiting for the fruit of the womb.She had no one else to turn to, everyone had failed her including the company she had worked tirelessly for in the past ten years that suddenly decided to lay her off for no apparent reason. Moni continued to drive on the highway, she was numb on the inside. Her whole world seemed to be crashing before her very eyes. She thought of committing suicide, putting an end to everything. After all, there was no one or nothing else to live for. She drove for six straight hours into different

How much do you have saved up?

The title of this post is a rhetorical question. And no, I don't mean your earth account. I mean your heaven account. You see, people die daily.  We are humans, we all surely have an end. While on earth, we save a lot of money to acquire properties, take care of ourselves, our children, our parents, our siblings etc. But we've heard the popular saying that you never see a u-haule attached to a hearse. Nobody is going to take anything out of this world and when we do get to heaven, the only thing we would have to ourselves and name are the heavenly  investments we made while on earth.  The holy book, the bible says that we should lay up treasures in heaven. Start saving in your heaven account today. The only chance is now. Help those who have no way of paying you back in return. Do a kind deed, make someone's life better by your words, deeds and resources and not only would you be making the world a better place, you would be having great rewards in your heaven account