
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Guy in Red 5

Alhaji's health was getting worse daily,he had lost hope until Sadiq had brought Kingsley to his house. Alhaji Manko who was overjoyed had promised Sadiq heaven and earth if the ritual turns out to be successful. He had gotten himself prepared for Kingsley that night and carried out all instructions which included rubbing a special ointment on himself before sleeping with Kingsley. He had also been warned that he must not set his eyes on any lady until after he must have slept with the young man Kingsley. Alhaji Manko on getting to the guest room and seeing a woman with Kingsley was extremely furious. Sadiq had ruined all his plans, betrayed him and even more destroyed his life. Sadiq brought out his gun and aimed it at Lizzy but he was too slow as Alhaji fired a shot at Sadiq from behind. Alhaji took one last look at Lizzy and Kingsley and then angrily walked out of the room. Amidst all the drama they both witnessed, Kingsley had peed on himself while lizzy was numb from seei

The Guy in Red 4

Elizabeth also popularly called Lizzy was in a deep mess. It all started during her birthday party. She had invited a lot of people including the one and only guy she had her eyes on....Kingsley. She had met him at a club once and they suddenly kicked things off. They had exchanged numbers but he never for once called her back. Days turned to weeks and they hadn't gone beyond exchanging pleasantries so Lizzy used her upcoming birthday to let Kingsley know how she felt about him. She had invited him and he agreed. Infact things were going really smooth at the party and Lizzy had her eyes fixed on Kingsley till she saw Kingsley leave the party with a guy in a red jacket.   That had left her feeling terrible and not long afterwards she went home. She tried calling his phone several times but there was no response. She decided to make peace with the fact that he didn't want to have anything to do with her but something kept telling her that all was not well. Two days after,

The Guy In Red 3

As thunder struck again ,Kingsley tried to move his body in the dark. He was numb all over and it felt like he was going crazy. Before the lights went out Kingsley had found himself in a well decorated room with a television set and air conditioning facility. A room he recognised not to be his but on seeing that he was chained to the bed realised he must have met his waterloo at some point or maybe he had died and was stuck in a place between heaven and hell.  He had struggled to break free, called for help,screamed and cried out but no one had responded. All he had to himself was a mute television that was on and showing different people who could not see him and who he couldn't talk to.  He hoped that soon enough all the questions in his head as to how he ended up tied to a bed in chains would be answered. The only thing he remembered was that he was at a party and the young man he had introduced himself to had responded nicely to him. He said his name was Sadiq,they had ki

The Guy In Red 2

Alhaji Manko was not only a wealthy man he was also very influential. He was in his early sixties and had a well rounded life. He had travelled round the world,married several wives and equally had several children. Things continued to seem great and he was so sure he was going to die having lived a fulfilled life. His expectations were however cut short after he was diagnosed with cancer and despite spending so much money to secure his health, he was going to die soon if things got worse for him . Nevertheless, Alhaji Manko had plans for himself.; Big plans. He still wanted to visit mecca and still wanted to marry an arabian woman. In short,his life was nowhere near being fulfilled and this saddened him a lot until a solution finally came. The instructions Alhaji Manko was given by one of the most powerful traditionalist he knew were precise. He was to get a young guy to perform certain rites. The guy must not be an ordinary guy he must be one who likes other men and Alhaji Manko