
Showing posts from April, 2014

The Guy In Red

It was just one of those nights,one of those parties. I wasn't really looking forward to anything new. To be honest I just wanted to lay on my bed and see a movie but I had to be at the party. It was a birthday party for one of my closest friends and I could only honour the invitation as I had no birthday present to give.  Some years back,I had been single and desperate, I wanted badly to be in a relationship. To be loved and cared for as a human being and as the saying goes 'we all want love' but I had given up the search after several failed attempts. Ofcourse I've had my fair share of relationship experience but I had always wanted more than I was getting and so I kept hunting for this special love all to little or no success. It was about twenty minutes past midnight. The music got louder, guys were getting drunk and the ladies wasted. I on the other hand had had so much to eat so I sat still on my seat to enable my food digest and so as not to end up throw

The Transition 2

Richard heard someone cry out not too far off. She sounded so much like his mother. He moved quickly towards the noise,he had not walked far when he saw a madwoman lying on the floor,she looked weak and in pain. She tried to mutter the word help and he realised she wasn't mad afterall,she was a pregnant woman who was in labour and needed help. Richard didn't know what to do,he started to panick and he no longer felt hungry. He couldn't stand someone dying in his presence,not after everything he had been through. As he tried to help her up he noticed there was a set of keys in her finger,they looked like car keys. Maybe she was the one driving the car he thought to himself as he quickly took the keys and tried to unlock the car which opened almost immediately. Luckily for him he knew how to drive,his father had taught him several times after he finished his secondary school exams. He helped the lady into the back seat,he saw the stack of money lying exactly where it was

The Transition

It was a cold and frosty morning as Richard walked towards his room on campus. He had been up all night studying as his medical exams were forthcoming. It was his second year in school and just like other people he didn't have things going so smoothly for him. He was battling with so many things and had no one to rely on. Not even God. He didn't believe in the existence of God although as a child he was made to believe that there was a God who created and watched over everyone but after he lost his parents and younger sister in a fire accident few years ago, He could never recover from the mental anguish he had experienced. If there was a God, he certainly wouldn't have lost all he had as a family on the very day he had gained admission to study medicine in the university. Richard would never forget that day. He had gone over to his friends to check his admission status and on seeing that he had been admitted he had called his parents who were extremely joyful. His mothe

Twenty Ideas For Being Kind

Kindness is a wonderful virtue but many people don't possess it. We all know how we feel when someone has been kind to us and life gives us a chance on a daily basis to be compassionate towards another. I found this article on to learn how to be kind and thought to share. Enjoy. 1. Be resolved to become a kind person. How do you do this? Think, speak, and act with kindness. 2. Love kindness. When you do what you love, you are happy. A master of kindness is a master of joy. 3. When encountering someone, let your first thoughts be, What kind words can I say to this person and what kind things can I do? 4. Keep asking people, What can I do for you? 5. Everyone needs encouragement. Ask yourself, What can I say that will be encouraging? 6. Wherever you are, you are there for a reason. Ask yourself, Since I am here now, what kindness can I do? 7. Every kind person is unique. You have unique talents, skills, knowledge, and resources. Uti