An Unpopular Opinion on a Popular Day


"Chika, you know I don’t believe in International Women’s Day.

We already have Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day. Which one is Women’s Day again?

If anything, we should thank the women who fought for equality of rights in the 18th/19th century.

And that’s even the fault of their generation that had men with a different mentality and believed so much in patriarchy. Also, I don’t mind patriarchy if my Father, Brother and Husband are doing what is right and looking after me and providing for me.

I am a woman with breasts and periods.

With a womb and back to carry children.

Nature has already assigned me responsibilities.

It is fine. I am okay. I am complete.

Whether I can vote or not.

Whether I have property or not.

Whether I am educated or not.

I know this might sound shallow but that is just my unpopular opinion on a popular day."


To the real women, who despite the odds, show up every day. Every day is your day.


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