Let’s Get Through The Night.


Come in darling, shut the door;

Grab the phone, turn on do not disturb;

Let’s not go on google, let’s not text;

Let’s not make that phone call, that will make us more upset;

The light is on, we toss and turn;

We wait for that message, it doesn’t seem to come;

Let’s turn off the light and close our eyes;

Let’s imagine that everything is all right;

The eyes start to burn from tears wanting to come;

Because our heart lied to us, and our head hurts;

Let’s drift into the subconscious, with hopes for a new dawn;

Let’s get through the night darling, the morning will soon come.

P.s- Dedicating this post to Idowu Sadipe, an avid reader of my blog and one of the many amazing people who make this worth it.


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