


Before you continue with this article, I would like to categorically adopt the words of one of my YouTube stars Lasizwe Dambuza- “Do not make your problems mine”. Please do not make your problems mine if you find this article unreasonable or offensive.

Today, even the deaf would have heard and the blind would have seen that Ahmed Bola Tinubu emerged the APC Presidential Candidate for the year 2023 Presidential election. I had my preferred candidate but unfortunately, he did not make it this time and there has been a lot of conversations in the air about how Tinubu was “too old” “too selfish” “very unreasonable” and so many other unprintable words just because this son, father, grandfather and god-father made his ambition clear and fought the battle to clinch today’s victory.

My point here is simple, no one and I mean no one has the right to tell another human being what they should or should not be. It reminds me of the verse in the book of Job chapter 38 verse 11 also adopted in Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code which reads “When I said, ‘This far you may come, but no farther, and here your proud waves must stop.” We humans often think we have a right to express this in people’s lives but it is only the Supreme God that can.

Now, here’s to you my fellow reader; there will come a point in life’s battle ground when the voice of a human being will tell you why you do not qualify, why you do not deserve a position, why you shouldn’t be the one getting the reward. This subtle voice will defeat you without actions if you concede to it but here is the trick; the moment you retaliate with an action; an action as simple as going ahead to do exactly what they say you shouldn’t dream of doing, then the voice becomes defeated. Now this does not mean you will always get that position or that reward but you will come out, not a coward, but a man who chose to define and determine the course of his own life.

I will wrap up this post with the words of Donald J Trump “John Mccain is not a war hero……He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured”

My post is dedicated to the families and friends of those who passed on in the Owo carnage. May you find light in the dark.


P.S-I am unapologetically Nigerian and will remain so, second citizenship or not.



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