
Showing posts from June, 2022

Let’s Get Through The Night.

  Come in darling, shut the door; Grab the phone, turn on do not disturb; Let’s not go on google, let’s not text; Let’s not make that phone call, that will make us more upset; The light is on, we toss and turn; We wait for that message, it doesn’t seem to come; Let’s turn off the light and close our eyes; Let’s imagine that everything is all right; The eyes start to burn from tears wanting to come; Because our heart lied to us, and our head hurts; Let’s drift into the subconscious, with hopes for a new dawn; Let’s get through the night darling, the morning will soon come. P.s- Dedicating this post to Idowu Sadipe, an avid reader of my blog and one of the many amazing people who make this worth it.


    Before you continue with this article, I would like to categorically adopt the words of one of my YouTube stars Lasizwe Dambuza- “Do not make your problems mine”. Please do not make your problems mine if you find this article unreasonable or offensive. Today, even the deaf would have heard and the blind would have seen that Ahmed Bola Tinubu emerged the APC Presidential Candidate for the year 2023 Presidential election. I had my preferred candidate but unfortunately, he did not make it this time and there has been a lot of conversations in the air about how Tinubu was “too old” “too selfish” “very unreasonable” and so many other unprintable words just because this son, father, grandfather and god-father made his ambition clear and fought the battle to clinch today’s victory. My point here is simple, no one and I mean no one has the right to tell another human being what they should or should not be. It reminds me of the verse in the book of Job chapter 38 verse 11 also adopted