
Showing posts from February, 2014

In The Eyes Of The Enemy 2

As Uche opened her eyes it took her few minutes to realise she wasn't dreaming. Her body ached badly and her face felt swollen. not too far away she could smell urine. She figured she was in some sort of wooden cubicle which had no doors. She tried to get up and see if there was a way round but realised a chain had been tied to her legs,a very heavy chain like those described by her class teacher as the leg chains that were put on the feet of slaves back in the days. Uche thought of school,she thought of her bestfriends Bidemi and Timothy. Would they be looking for her now? She thought. She also remembered her parents and began to weep uncontrollably. She wept so much that she peed on herself. Uche knew she had been kidnapped,she had heard of it,she had seen what it looks like in the movies,and now it was happening to her. She had to stay strong so she can be alive when her parents come for her. Uche decided not to scream or shout for help because that might irritate her abductors

In The Eyes of The Enemy

As Uche moved closely to the car park of her school St. Mark High School,she wondered for the 100th time why her dad had come to check on her in the middle of the day. Her class teacher had called her out right before 4th period to tell her her father was waiting for her at the park. Uche usually walked home after school hours herself so she wondered why he was here to see her when school wasn't over yet. She silently prayed she wasn't in form of any trouble,she knew she didn't do well in her maths test but he could have just waited till she got home to unleash his anger. Her father was such a disciplinarian and ever since she lost her younger brother six years ago to a motor accident things had changed in the house. Her parents fought all the time and being the only child left she had no one to share her childhood with,the only time to feel like the 13 year old that she really is was at school with her friends Bidemi and Timothy. As uche got to the drivers side of the c

Exclusively For Couples

Hi guys,I really tried to write a love story that would get us all emotional and loved up and hopefully have a good ending but the more I tried,the more other 'important' things kept rearing their heads up.  So I saw this beautiful post and decided to share with you. However I promise to continue with sequels nextweek. Enjoy below; They might be 30, or 75. They come in all colors, shapes, sizes and income brackets. It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been together. Whatever the demographics, when you see a happy couple, you just know it! How do these couples stay in love, in good times and in bad? Fortunately, the answer isn’t through luck or chance. As a result of hard work and commitment, they figure out the importance of the following relationship “musts.” Because few couples know about all of the musts, I think of them as the relationship “secrets.” Happy Couples and Their Secrets 1. Develop a realistic view of committed relationships. Recognize that

It Won't Stop

It was a very sunny Tuesday afternoon. As I powdered my face for the third time I cursed beneath my breath. If it hadn't been for the person owing me N5,000 I should be indoor shielding myself from the terrible weather. But I had to get the money otherwise the person would get away with it and one thing I know for sure is I don't let people get away when they are indebted to me. The trip was going to cost me N600 but I didn't mind paying the price. As I boarded a tricycle going to the nearest bustop I couldn't help but notice the people I was sitting in the midst of. Because I was smallish in size they put me in between. The man on my left was huge and sweating all over so much that I. could feel the sweat penetrating into my shoulder. Om my right was a woman who looked like a pepper seller,her disposition gave her away and as her phone rang I noticed she was with an iphone and then I thought why would someone this 'razz' have an iphone. The further the tricy