
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Power of A Smile

A smile is a beautiful thing. It’s a universal symbol of happiness and a force of nature. Yes, a force of nature. Have you ever observed what happens within you when you smile, or better yet, forced yourself to smile when you’re feeling down? Give it a try right now. No matter how you’re feeling or what’s going on in your life, close your eyes and smile. Observe the feeling of warmth that wells up in your belly as you do it. Observe the shift in your energy as you turn that frown upside down.  If you’re still not convinced, go in front of a mirror and notice how you look when you’re smiling.  Once again, observe how you feel within and how you feel about the reflection looking back at you as your facial expression changes. If you’re feeling particularly cheeky, look yourself in the eyes, smile and say: “You’re awesome!” I believe that a smile is one of the most powerful and most underrated gifts that we, as humans, possess. It embodies our ability to create and our ability to expre

The Escape: 3

Tola was mystified as she took another look at Bongo and the dead body of Grand building's landlord not too far away. It was so obvious he had something to do with her mother's death,her daughters rape and also the dead body lying on the ground. She couldn't believe her eyes nor all that had happened within an hour.  She had earlier on ran for her life using the stairway straight from the 18th floor. On getting to the 4th floor,the lights had come on and she heard the muffled scream of her daughter lily. She hurried towards her daughters attacker with a flower vase beside the wall and hit it on his head while she told her daughter to run. At that point Tola knew she would never forgive herself if any of what was happening was her fault. She grabbed the gun on his waist as he lay motionless on the floor and kept running to meet up with lily wherever she was. Lily was nowhere to be found so Tola rushed towards the garage to check if she was there. Her poor baby had jus

The Escape: 2

Bongo as he was popularly called was a very ugly but wealthy 45 year old man. He had adopted the nickname Bongo sixteen years ago after his dead dog called Bongo. As an undergraduate, he had been a hit man which he had no regrets about. After his mother died, he dropped out of school to become a drug dealer which he engaged in successfully for 8years before retiring. Asides the fact that the risk of the job was getting higher by the years, He had become extremely wealthy and channelled his money towards acquiring property and reselling it. Few months ago,he made plans to secure Grand building. One of the most famous buildings in Lagos. He knew it was going to be a difficult task but he had confidence in the power of money. He knew very well that money answereth all things. He had called the shots and made the deal and to his uttermost surprise the owner of grand building was willing to sell to Bongo. Few weeks to closing the deal problems started to arise. The owner of grand bui

The Escape:1

Grand building was a massive building located in the commercial area of Lagos State. Because it was so close to the courthouse,barristers and solicitors worked in the building,asides that it was considered some form of luxury to have one's law firm located in the grand building. It was believed that the building housed the best and most successful lawyers in the state. It was almost 7.30pm as Secretary Tola looked at the clock. She worked at Bayode &co law firm located on the 18th floor of Grand building. Tola had to finish scanning some documents before going home or else she was sure to lose her job the next day. She couldn't afford that now. Her house rent was due,she had her ailing mother to take care of as well as lily her five year old daughter. Life had not been altogether fair for her. She had gotten pregnant for a man who vanished into thin air after he found out she was pregnant. Her mother had developed a stroke and there was no one to look after her. To cut