
Showing posts from November, 2013

Choose How You Make Your Bed.

Every action you take,every decision you make,everything you do causes an immediate effect on those around you- and on you. And this is the important bit. There is such a thing as instant karma. It is your bed and you are going to have to lie in it. Your actions will dictate whether in general your life is going to run happily or badly, smoothly or as of the wheels have fallen off.  If you are selfish and manipulative it will rebound on you. If you are generally loving and thoughtful you will get your just rewards- and not in heaven (or the next life or whatever you believe) but right here,right now. Trust me. Whatever you do and how you do it will come back to you in spades. This isn't a threat,merely an observation. Those who do good, get good. Those who do bad,get bad. I know we can all point to people who seem to have it made and are still pretty vile. But they don't sleep at night. They have no one to really love them. Inside they are sad and lonely and frightened. Th


Hello guys,no stories today. Hope you all had a good weekend? If good,all glory to God. If bad,well don't worry. Better days are ahead I can assure you :) I got a mail from Tyler Perry some months back and I couldn't help but print it out and paste it on my bedroom wall. Almost every time, I look at it and it gives me some form of encouragement so I thought what better post to share on my birthday. week than the mail.(Yes! My birthday is on the 20th of this month) So read and digest every word and I hope it becomes useful to you all. God bless you all and may this week usher in fresh smiles to you and your loved ones. Amen. Hey Fadeke, At 44, here are 44 things that I have learned and know to be true. Have a great day today my friends. 1. Yes, God is real. 2. Your gift can make room for you. 3. A baby can heal broken hearts. 4. A mother's love is stronger than distance, more powerful than time and can transcend the grave. 5. Take time to smell the roses but

Mystery Man 4

As at the age of 12,curiosity had become a part and parcel of Nancy. Not as in the usual manner possessed by most children. Nancy's curiosity was off the hook and so her parents battled so hard to explain almost everything to her. At a particular period,Nancy had seen her mother in tears and because she never experienced this before,she also started crying and begging her mum for answers. Moved by this display of affection from her daughter,Nancy's mother was forced to explain that her father had lied to her about a woman and that she Nancy's mum had done wicked things to the woman in question. She showed Nancy a picture of the woman they had found in one of her fathers old boxes. Nancy had kept the picture of the woman and prayed to it almost everyday till she turned 13 and kept asking the woman to forgive her mother for any wicked thing her mother had done.  So many years had passed and now Nancy was sitted in Maxwell's dining room staring at a very familiar pictur

Mystery Man 3

rFew hours had passed and they had both eaten. Nancy was pretending to enjoy the movie showing on the television but her mind kept wandering,Max was also seated beside her with a bottle of coke. She seemed to be into this guy but her guts told her something was not in place. Minutes after,Nancy felt herself dozing and before she knew it she was fast asleep. Max was delighted that everything was working according to plan. He despised this woman sitting next to him. Infact he hated her with everything in the world and he owed this to his mother to put Nancy through misery. It all started 35 years ago,according to what he was told by his mother. Nancy's father had met Max's mum and started a relationship. Everything his mother ever owned was used to make Nancy's father a better person. As soon as he became that person everything changed. He started doing awful things to his mum and even after she told him she was pregnant,he told her to get rid of the baby and when she re