
Showing posts from October, 2013

Mystery Man 2

Weeks had passed and nothing had changed. Nancy and mystery man had a special seat on the bus. They both know the area they lived,where they worked,what work had been like, their favorite movies and music. He claimed to have a car but preferred to use it on weekends. He was single,never been married and hoping to make partner at Kent chambers. They knew the basic things about eachother and he brought her novels which she read and they both reviewed.  As Nancy got off the bus, she kept asking herself what was wrong with her, why he had not asked for her number. Maybe she wasn't pretty enough,maybe he was seeing someone else,maybe he just wants to be her friend. All these thoughts were driving her crazy. She made up her damn mind and decided she was going to ask him on a date. She didn't care if this belittled her, she had to take things to the next level. As she sighted him in the bus, she flashed her pretty smile and quickly walked towards him while he made way for her to s

Mystery Man

As Nancy stepped into the brt bus, she felt at ease. She had been trekking for the past 17minutes in order to get to the bus stop. At her age she ought to at least have a pretty low cost and decent vehicle. But oh well, nothing comes easy. She had just nailed a job interview at an insurance company and was told to resume work the fllowing day. She found a comfortable seat by the window and less than ten minutes later the bus was moving. Nancy noticed the person sitting next to her. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties,chocolate skinned color and a dashing suit. What caught her attention most was the hemmingway novel in his hand. She loved hemmingway and his books. Infact she had gotten an hemmingway novel 3years ago when she turned thirty and few weeks later she had lost the book. She was really devastated back then because she never got to read the book and secondly it was given to her by her father who died shortly after. Nancy was lost in thought until the mystery man who

Friend or??????

Do you have a pal who reminds you more of a possessive boyfriend than a friend? Maybe Snow White’s stepmother or a huge butthead of a boss? I’ve had more than enough experience with these energy-suckers over the last twenty-odd years and if any of those examples are making your heart pump, there is a good chance you are dealing with the BP oil spill of your social life. Take the friend you have in question, and ask yourself this: “How do they make me feel?” If it’s anything that strays far from “UH-MAZING”, then your friendship needs some evaluating. Friends should leave you feeling inspired and happy. These are the people who are supposed to put you at ease, help you have fun and deal with the challenges of life. If a friend stresses you out, makes you feel like less of a person or exhausts you, then chances are the relationship is not a healthy one. It’s sometimes hard to see it when you’re in it, so let me lay out these huge red flags: Poisonous pals ARE NOT PALS AT ALL, and


How to Let Go and Forgive Post written by Leo Babauta. We’ve all been hurt by another person at some time or another — we were treated badly, trust was broken, hearts were hurt. And while this pain is normal, sometimes that pain lingers for too long. We relive the pain over and over, and have a hard time letting go. This causes problems. It not only causes us to be unhappy, but can strain or ruin relationships, distract us from work and family and other important things, make us reluctant to open up to new things and people. We get trapped in a cycle of anger and hurt, and miss out on the beauty of life as it happens. We need to learn to let go. We need to be able to forgive, so we can move on and be happy. This is something I learned the hard way — after years of holding onto anger at a loved one that stemmed from my childhood and teen-age years, I finally let go of this anger (about 8 years ago or so). I forgave, and not only has it improved my relationship with this love