You never left and He never left you.

, I said I was going to read the book of Philemon but didn’t remember till I opened the blinds and shut the door ready to go for work. Why did I do that again? I barely spent time with my maker and I’m wondering why I’m not singing in tongues or memorizing the word.

I feel the overwhelming guilt from switching from WhatsApp to blogs, to Instagram and then Tik-Tok. I will do it later tonight; I say. I will spend time with my maker. Still, I’m back in bed after a long day and all I want to do is to catch up with YouTube-of course after I have returned all the calls of my loved ones.

I don’t even have time for Him I think to myself, but then, in a moment, and as a still small voice, I hear the word so loudly You never left, and He never left you”.

You see, He was there when you woke up feeling astray. When things were not adding up and you were wondering when the next cheque will come. When you realised once again that there’s no one to make breakfast for and so you dashed into the shower, grabbed your car keys and went out to face the traffic and maybe catch a sermon that will encourage you or listen to news that will entertain you. He was right there.

He was there as the sweet relief you got from the hot water as you showered, the gentle breeze that kissed your cheeks as you turned on the ignition. He was there when the security guard said good morning with a hearty smile, and you genuinely smiled back. He was there when the emails flooded in and one after the other like one mastering tennis you took charge and did your best-He was there.

He was there when the challenges came and you sunk your shoulders at your desk, He was the one who sent the annoying coworker who says the most random things to relieve your stress and make you forget. He was there when lunch tasted right, and you got a chance to catch up with family and friends.

He was there as you packed your bags for the night longing to crash on the bed surrounded by all the love you can give yourself. He was there in that late night snack and again that short shower that helps you get a good night sleep.

And as you type and read this, He is here, giving you inspiration and letting you know He never left you even as you never left Him 💜

P.s- Philemon 1: 6


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