Any day. Anytime. Anywhere.


You see this faith thing, it's a must have. It was a couple of weeks ago when I saw this beggar girl and her friends purify themselves by the roadside for the hour of prayer and then take a position to pray without any fear, shame, hesitation or reservation. 

I thought to myself about how we make so many excuses, waiting for the perfect moment to reach out to God. The truth is, it's all about what we prioritize, and you need to realize that there’s a divine power beyond our natural senses and above all, that power is good. It wants you happy, it is always always on your side even when it doesn’t seem like it. 

Forget whatever has happened before the moment you started reading this article and trust that everything conspires for your good, the only person who can stop it is you. When you disagree with the love from the Universe then bad energy follows and continues to reinforce your negativity. 

Remember everything is constantly working for you to “make it” for all your “good dreams” to come true and for you to live the highest best possible life you have ever dreamt of. 

The Igbo’s will say “Whenever a man says yes, his Chi says yes also”

On any day, at any time, at anywhere, reach out to the force that brought you here. Reach out first by making your request known, either in a soft whisper, or a loud cry, or with heads bowed or with legs folded. Reach out. And thereafter, speak what you want to yourself and then speak to others who are willing carry to that same positive light with you about it.

He’s on your side. 


  1. “He is on my side” Thank you for the reminder

  2. Always on your side. You are welcome


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